Every time I beat level 20, the fire crates drop into level 21 and explode the crates, which causes a glitch - the game wont allow the level to finish.
How do you beat level 20??
Does anyone else have the "fire crate glitch" when they play the game?
There are so many glitches in the game, it is a wonder anyone can get a decent score.
Glitches that have effected me:
* Ball stuck in left corner
* Ball gets "bounced" up above a row of metal crates and cannot get back down
* Ball stuck between crates (this one manages to free itself after about 10 minutes)
* Ball gets "pushed" out of the screen by a Korbat and comes up from the bottom
* Ball gets "bounced" across the screen so it continually goes horizontal across the screen and will not reset
* Fire Crates when exploded last on a level continue into next level and explode other crates causing the level to glitch and cannot continue.
* Ball will hit a Wooden Crate but will not explode
* On level 13 ball got stuck bouncing between 3 metal crates and could not free itself and the Spyder could not reach it to knock it out.