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Level 20 - Korbat's Lab

Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:06 am

:x :x Every time I beat level 20, the fire crates drop into level 21 and explode the crates, which causes a glitch - the game wont allow the level to finish. :x :x

How do you beat level 20??

Does anyone else have the "fire crate glitch" when they play the game?

There are so many glitches in the game, it is a wonder anyone can get a decent score.

Glitches that have effected me:
    * Ball stuck in left corner
    * Ball gets "bounced" up above a row of metal crates and cannot get back down
    * Ball stuck between crates (this one manages to free itself after about 10 minutes)
    * Ball gets "pushed" out of the screen by a Korbat and comes up from the bottom
    * Ball gets "bounced" across the screen so it continually goes horizontal across the screen and will not reset
    * Fire Crates when exploded last on a level continue into next level and explode other crates causing the level to glitch and cannot continue.
    * Ball will hit a Wooden Crate but will not explode
    * On level 13 ball got stuck bouncing between 3 metal crates and could not free itself and the Spyder could not reach it to knock it out.

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