For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:51 pm
If you've read the other articles, what things have they made mistakes about?
What miconceptions would you like to be rectified on Neopets?
(By the way, we're still looking for people from NYC to be interviewed by CBS... looks like it will be in article form so sent me your email, age and name via PM if you're in the NYC area).
Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:53 pm
So many to list ....
Do they name more than one game that isn't a sponsored game?
most irritating
But with no credit card numbers to verify identity, nothing prevents an 8-year-old from registering as an 18-year-old to post instant messages. And although they can't select a username like Phuckhead, because it's blocked, they could choose Childmolester - if it weren't already taken.
I cannot find the article that said that if a child does not keep care of thier pet it is automatically put into the adoption agency.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:01 pm
That's terrible. And yes, people CAN register bad usernames, but how long are they allowed to keep those names? Why didn't someone try it and see. Register a bad name and let anyone know about it, through chatting, battleing or in any way coming in contact with another user who can report you, and you are toast. If you just register and lurk, well what is the harm in someone having that name if no one really knows they exist? I mean, I am sure there are some people out there lurking with bad names, but they don't bother me if I don't know they exist, and if I do, well I can report them.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:03 pm
I think that is the Herald Sun article, but I cannot find a webpage for it anywhere.
Anybody got working link?
the Today Tonight:
Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:10 pm
The Wired article was so-so, but that Today Tonight tripe.... *face-palm* So many things incorrect, so many misconceptions passed on.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:13 pm
I found a PDF ... aldsun.pdf
> "but losers may need to visit the on-line soup kitchen to keep thier virtual friends from starving."
but still not the article I'm looking for. I am thinking one that quotes several children under the age of 10.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:18 am
don't forget about the australian tv misconceptions that caused the lockdown on games of chance for kids under thirteen...
Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:27 am
puck wrote:don't forget about the australian tv misconceptions that caused the lockdown on games of chance for kids under thirteen...
I'm pretty sure that's the "Today Tonight" story Cleo_Lo posted.
Someone stupid who didn't do any proper research wrote:As Michelle's son Harley explains, you need to gamble to raise points to feed your virtual Neopets. He says if you don't gamble up enough points to feed your pet, it goes to the "orphanage". Players who don't win enough points gambling to buy food actually have to send their Neopets to a "virtual soup kitchen".
'Course, I don't understand how an article can be taken seriously when it spells naivete "naivety."
Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:25 am
Moongewl wrote:puck wrote:don't forget about the australian tv misconceptions that caused the lockdown on games of chance for kids under thirteen...
I'm pretty sure that's the "Today Tonight" story Cleo_Lo posted.
Yep, Moongewl's right. The "Australian TV misconceptions" were a combination of a Today Tonight 'report' (I'm hesitant to use that word, as the large majority of their "reports" are a load of bs), and an article the following day in The Herald Sun, a Victorian newspaper.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:37 pm
*reads articles**goes to play some nice blackjack and poker*
parents sometimes, are a little TOO overprotective.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:57 pm
It was after reading the wired article that I checked Neopets out.
Don't regret it at all
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