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Safe Deposit Box Glitch?

Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:25 pm

I was taking advantage 1/2 price day and was massively restocking. I was frequently sending 10 or more items at a go. After a few hours of restocking on 3 items, shirt, bubble blower and baby doll, I went into the safe deposit box to check the quantity. Imagine my horror when I saw only 23 shirts, 34 bubble blower and 30+ baby dolls....I easily bought over 50 items of each. I suspected something amiss, and i did an experiment. If I transfer anything less than 5 items using quick stock, it goes in ok, if more than that, out of 3 times, one time it didnt go in. I even cleared my cookies and refeshed my sdb to check. Did anyone notice this?

Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:26 pm

Nope.Send a bug report to neopets and then wait.It will clear up with them :hug: :hug:

Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:29 am

Yup you need to send ina bug report.
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