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CBS news wants to talk to a Neopian from NY

Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:56 pm

Hi, I was contacted by a producer for CBS News who are working on a story about Neopets.

They're looking for Neopets users in the New York City area to talk to so they've contacted me to help them.

If you're from NY and would like the opportunity to be a part of the CBS story, PM me your relevant details such as email, age, name, locality and I'll forward it on to the relevant people.
Last edited by Shoyru_Lover on Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:58 pm

I sure hope you tell them that if they twist or misconstrue anything you say, or interview any New Member, that you will have Dr. Sloth hunt them down and do horrible things to them :D

I'm curious to know if this will be in print or broadcast?

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:13 pm

Please, whoever DOES get interveiwed, would you please tell them that in the past news stories have been negitive toward neopets and have gotten their information wrong? Neopets does use imersive advertising, BUT it is NOT nessessary to play sponcer games or to buy any sponcer products to play the site. Not only is it not nessessary, it doesn't influence me in the slightest to buy any sponcer products. If I DID buy a lunchable or go to Mcdonalds it is because I have been a customer of theirs long before neopets and already like their products.

So whoever does the interveiw if given the chance or asked please stress that it is easy to make neopoints by playing games, that no one has to play sponcer games at all, and that there exists thousands of neopet foods and items and a very small majority of those items happen to be sponcer items.

Also, neopets has many strong points, such as teaching responsiblity of
taking care of something and also teaches about supply and demand when running a shop. Also stress that young people can practice their art and writing skills when entering the many contests on neopets or getting their story or artwork into the Neopian Times. Even if they don't enter a contest they still can read the stories and comics and since it is something that they are interested in, they may at least get some reading done by reading the comics of the Neopian Times. Parents and even teachers could use this as a learning tool, and I think I have even heard of instances where it has been used in the classroom.

There are those who are opposed to gambling style games but I would stress that not all the games are gambling style games and even the gambling style games are in good fun. I don't believe it teaches anyone to gamble. It isn't like loosing real money after all. And someone who has strong morals against gambling I think can still play a gambling style game and not compromise anything.

Really, parents of young children who might be influenced by something should be monitoring their children online and offering guidence anyway. And if something on Neopets strikes them as negitive, or they disagree with a certain game, that doesn't mean that the whole site itself is evil.

I'd love to do an interveiw myself, though I don't live in New York. I'd be sure to make Neopets look good.

And Yes, I'd tell them if they twist anything I say around to fit their own agenda I would be mad. And if their agenda is Neopet=Evil then nothing you say is going to work.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:17 pm

Oh darn, I live in New York State but not New York City. :P It sounds like it's going to be interesting. :)

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:18 pm

News media :roll: :thinking: ~:>

Don't trust them Q! :P Good money says they will distort anything they get, even if it is only to get rid of unimportant material. At least is only CBS. They are pretty nice people and not too famous for misleading stories. Thankfully it is not of Fox (aka Faux) News those guys are evil, and not in the good way. I just wish MSNBC's Keith Olbermann would do the story :( I'd fly out to NYC just for the chance to meet him.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I hope I don't scare anyone from trying to get on. I wonder if they will do a national broadcast...

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:19 pm

Also, please spell words correctly and use good grammer!

BTW, you spelled sponsor wrong! By having bad grammer and spelling words wrong, you are demeaning the Neopian community!

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:21 pm

I wish I was in New York City I live like 8,000 miles away in Honolulu but I would be happy to take a flight there! :D

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:28 pm

I remember reading an article where they interveiwed someone and the person said that pets would die and a lot of other inacurate things. So I would be sure to mention that this was wrong and that even the most desperate New Member can feed their pet. There exists the soup kitchen, free omelette, and jelly.

And I would be sure to say that there is no right or wrong way to play the site, and that is what is so fun about it. People can battle their pets, but they don't have to. They can make a lot of money, own a shop, and and purchase lots of items. But they don't have to do that either. Some people play because they want to have a top battle pet. Others play because they like their guild. Some play because they like like to get their artwork or story into the times. There are different reasons that people play the site and people of all ages play as well, even though it seems to be geared towards younger people these days, that was not always the case.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:54 pm

The reason most articles have untrue information is because the kids that they interview are that, kids. If they would ask, lets say, a 14 year old, chances are that the information that is given will be much more accurate. I hope that if CBS does run this story, the player that they interview will be mature (and hopefully older than the 7 year olds they seem to interview all the time).

I'd love to be interviewed. Too bad I'm at the other side of the United States. :P

Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:15 pm

Does it have to be New York? I live in New Jersey, about an hour's ride away...

Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:59 pm

Ask CBS if they got my letter! I never got a reply from them. :P

And about how gambling is NOT neccessary to play the site. And pets don't go to the pound unless you put them there. :roll:

Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:04 am

Kurisutaru wrote:Oh darn, I live in New York State but not New York City. :P It sounds like it's going to be interesting. :)

Same. How neat if someone we knew was interviewed. :)

Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:22 am

Oh, so that's what this thing is all about.

They wanted me to go (as I live in NYC). They had this survey about this awhile back...

I still can't decide wheter or not I want to do this. :P

Should I?

Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:43 am

ArwenEarendil wrote:Oh, so that's what this thing is all about.

They wanted me to go (as I live in NYC). They had this survey about this awhile back...

I still can't decide wheter or not I want to do this. :P

Should I?

Do it! As the Great Bender would say: 'Fry, if you don't do this, I'll lose all respect for you and punch you.' Since you're not Fry, that statement doesn't apply :P But it could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Just make sure to wear a hilarious t-shirt when interviewed.

Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:55 am

darn, i live in Toronto, but i would love to ahve been interviewed. and yeah, if you're picking all the people to be interviewed, make sure you pick some good people who will say it like it really is and not how we are led to believe it.
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