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Has anyone ever completed one of those World Challenge maps?

Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:17 pm

Has anyone ever bothered to complete one of those? The pieces are expensive, and you probably get some cheap prize, like you would with the Space Treasure map or something. I've only won once, and still haven't been able to sell it. They're really expensive, but not many people buy them.

Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:32 pm

I've completed 5 WC galleries and converted them. My prizes have been such:

Vo Codestone :roll:
Darigan Paint Brush (*helllllllo nurse*)
Split Paint Brush
Orange Petpet Paint Brush
Kauvara's Potion

The prizes are, if my memory serves me correctly:
Any codestone (even red)
Any dubloon
Any paint brush/petpet paint brush
Certain items (Magic/BD/Neggs)
Certain Petpets

Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:16 am

I've completed a bunch. My prizes:

Bearog x2 (ugh)
Purple petpet paint brush
Split paint brush
Main codestone (at least it wasn't Bri, but still, ugh)
Silver paint brush

As you can see, I could have made a lot more selling them. At least I have never paid a cent for a WC piece -- I would earn Tyrannia and trade for others. Now I just sell -- full Tyrannian II maps go for around 400k.

Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:30 am

Yeah I think the darigan pb i got on my 2nd set faked me into thinking it was worth converting it.

Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:20 pm

bumpty85 wrote:Yeah I think the darigan pb i got on my 2nd set faked me into thinking it was worth converting it.

Which one did you get a Darigan PB on? Does it make a difference which map you complete?

Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:26 pm

My Neopia Central 2 WC gallery got me the darigan PB.

No, it doesn't matter which world you are in. I think the 2nd gallery prize is a little better than the first gallery, but I'm not sure. Mostly, it's completely random and sometimes you get lucky.

Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:02 am

I converted neopia central 1 for a robot petpet paintbrush, but haven't decided if I'm gonna convert the 2nd yet.

Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:41 am

I thought the deal was that the second maps were better simply becuase you couldn't get codestones. o_O

Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:36 am

I got an orange paint brush, a vo codestone, a bearog and then a split paint brush when I did mine am working on my 5th map slowly cuz I havent decided which I wanna do yet

Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:40 pm

Well I finished neopia central 2 this morning and I guess I'm gonna go ahead and convert it in a bit. Hopefully something decent will come of it:P

Ghost petpet paintbrush:( Oh well.

Edit 2: In retrospect, I really wish I hadn't converted it:P NC is my best world for world challenges and now I can't collect pieces anymore:(

Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:05 am

My Neopia Central 1 WC gallery got me Checkered Paint Brush.

Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:53 am

I got a Whinney for my Terror Mountain map :)

Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:08 am

I just converted the Krawk Island #1 and got an Orange Petpet PB. Bleah. I decided to convert it so I could sell the pieces for #2, since they're apparently in more demand.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:27 pm

Um, im sry but i have no clue what this is about

can somebody fill me in?

Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:46 am

At the bottom of the game room there is a link for flash challenges which will lead you to world challenges, also at the bottom of individual game pages a link which takes you to that games world challenge.

Enter the challenge for 100np and you will be competing with other players to earn the highest score, the highest total of scores, or the highest tally (wins - losses). One winner for score and total scores, and the number of tally winners varies depending on how many people enter the challenge.

The challenge lasts for one hour, from 3 minutes past the hour until the next hour. xx:00-xx:03 is a rest period. If you win you are awarded a piece of a picture for the world your game is in. I.E. Attack of the Revenge rewards a maraquan picture. Each world has two pictures in the gallery, consisting of 20 pieces each. Once you win a piece you can leave it in your gallery or remove it and sell/trade/whatever with it. When you have all 20 you can convert them for 2000np and a rare(?) item. Codestone, petpet, paintbrush, etc...
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