For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Poll ended at Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:17 am

Well, [YES]
Well... [NO]
Total votes : 31

[[Week 5]] Every PPTer has their price...

Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:17 am

Before you vote, please read the below.

DO NOT reveal which option you chose publically. PM somebody if you want to talk about it.

Each week, I'll change the account details and you vote. The question won't change each week.

Would you scam somebody if it meant that every scammer/spammer/idiot etc on Neopets was frozen ??

{{As always, you are to assume you will not be frozen/warned etc and nobody will know it was you who scammed the acount.}}

Results from week 1 : For 100,000 NP, 28% of the voters would scam an account
Results from week 2 : For 1,000,000 NP 36% of the voters would scam an account
Results from week 3 : For complete moderation powers over the neoboards, only 25% of the voters would scam an account
Results from week 4 : For the pet of their dreams, only 12% of the voters would scam an account

Re: [[Week 5]] Every PPTer has their price...

Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:51 am

the_dog_god wrote:/idiot

Define that :P

Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:29 am

Heh, does the not knowing who scammed it protect you from being frozen though if in an act of scamming you freeze all scammers which would then include yourself regardless of whether you are known to be a scammer or not?

... I've confused myself now :oops:

Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:41 am

Excellent question this week.

Trick wrote:Heh, does the not knowing who scammed it protect you from being frozen though if in an act of scamming you freeze all scammers which would then include yourself regardless of whether you are known to be a scammer or not?

... I've confused myself now :oops:

What Trick said. Would I be included in this mass-freezing if I said yes?

Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:09 am

No you wouldn't. I thought I added that for some reason. You wouldn't be included in the mass freezing.

Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:31 am

*facepalm* Yeah, I see that now. I was just a bit confused by the wording.

I'm still not sure whether that makes a difference to me or not... :thinking: Like I said before, this is an excellent question.

Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:35 am

This is a confusing question, though I agree that it's excellent. Where do you come up with these ideas?

It's confusing for me because I guess I'm taking it very literally ... wondering how scamming 1 person could impact so many other people (and need a definition of idiot myself - we've all at one time or another said or done something absurd).

Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:43 am

everconfused wrote:This is a confusing question, though I agree that it's excellent. Where do you come up with these ideas?

It's confusing for me because I guess I'm taking it very literally ... wondering how scamming 1 person could impact so many other people (and need a definition of idiot myself - we've all at one time or another said or done something absurd).

You know, the kind of people where you politely and clearly explain to them that their "Mega-Rare" Omelette isn't worth anything, the ones you show the trading post, the shop wizard, the money tree etc so they can learn the value of items...

Only to have them keep trying to sell it for tens of thousands above the price...

Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:29 am

Ohhhh, those people! :P I don't know if I'd freeze them, but I'd make a special place where people had to type something 100 times ... like chain letters don't work; the estimated value is not the same as the real value ... things like that.

Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:19 pm

Wow, 78% would scam an account for that. :P

Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:14 am

thats way interesting.. I cant wait to see the results on this one

Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:28 pm

oh man, great question, and ireally testing the values of society
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