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Petpet Cannonball 'cheat'... illegal?

Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:16 pm

I was browsing the game tips and stuff and I saw this one :
Press and hold the spacebar
Submitted by mitchell
Get the first petpet in and press spacebar for the rest of the game. It will say game over when you get around 700 - 800 points, a great way to earn some extra neopoints!

I was just wondering, is this cheating? Because it seems like making use of a glitch and if so, could you get frozen for using it?

Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:21 pm

Yes, you can get frozen for that. There was a similar glitch in Zurroball which has since been removed - about 100 people were frozen for it, IIRC.
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