For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:37 pm

Does anyone actually play this game? I've tried against at least 10 people this morning and haven't got more than 4 moves into a game before they cancel or just stop moving:( Sorry for the rant, but it's frustrating:P

Edit: Hehe, I guess this makes me feel a little better:P


Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:10 am

I started a game last week and we're up to halfway through... my guy didn't answer my neomails to set a time up... but oh well. we won't finish, and i'm winning, but what can ya do?

if anyone is wondering about the tournaments, i think they're useful in getting a trophy and at least getting a few NP. i set my favorites up so there's a list of things i check regularly (like WoE, Buried Treasure, Healing Springs, etc.), and the tournament homepage is on there. i can easily check to see if someone's made a move, if not, then fine, the window gets closed, if someone has, then i make mine. easy to check for the move or lose button too... love it when that thing shows up ;)

Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:26 am

I've heard a lot of people like to 'play' the game, but then just leave the page open. As the page refreshes automatically, it's a good source for random events.

Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:18 am

I think this month I'll end up with first place in all three games. Geos and Kacheekers through move or lose, but actually got to play a full game of armada. I'm happy:P

Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:49 am

It is really hard to get people take their turns in the compitition games. I don't know why they sign up and then just move everytime you send the move or loose. Then no one gets to move on and get the trophy.
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