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Where can I find those old star-wars-themed shopkeepers?

Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:10 am

hey, im working on a parody of star wars using neopets... and it came to me that if i had pics of those old star wars shopkeepers.... it would probably REALLY help me.

They arent in the shopkeepers lists anymore because of copyright issues... and i cant find any old shopkeeper websites right now..

does anybody have any of these old pics saved, or know where i can find them? there was a yoda kacheek.... and a mynci..... maul or something. Im not quite sure... but they would really help if somebody out there knows what im talking about! Could anybody help me?


Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:07 am

Neopets Archeology site:


the old fuzio looks a bit like jar-jar binks?
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