For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:35 pm
This week's PPL award has been given to the Tasu. Well done NutToo, SirSpotsAlot, SmoochieBoochie, sn0rt, Tom and all the others.
As a reminder, Wocky Day is next week, so be sure to send in your pictures, poems, spotlights and galleries as soon as possible.
This week's Site Spotlight is brought to you by the user meridell_magic and the letter B.
This cute little Raindorf Sketch can adorn your desktop by simply visiting the Sketched Backgrounds page. Fancy that!
A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 194. 2,338 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 856 NP each.
The Art Gallery is chock full of masterpieces for you to peer at for hours and hours. Hors D'oeuvres will not be served due to Tuesdays's mishap. *cough*
Xiphoid_process is certainly the tricky one with his puzzling Pirate Cave Of The Week, Five Sacred Arrows.
This Yurble appears to be quite jolly. Our finest scientists have concluded that the Rainbow Pool is the cause. Good work, scientists!
Corvusheir tells A Hero's Tale in the latest Neoadventure Spotlight.
Strange deeds are going on in these woods, events that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck and your toes curl in fright. I talk of an evil more horrifying than ghosts and ghouls, even more so than the creature under the bed. An evil that no mortal... I mean no ordinary mortal... could even dream of defeating.
If you're a waffle lover, that's great. Now move out of the way so we can tell pancake lovers about these tasty new items now on sale in the Food Shop!
Going up against a Korbat in Korbat's Lab? You'd have to be insane! Can you beat Meruth in this week's Better Than You?
The Neopian Royal Family just got two new additions. The Royal Poogles! *trumpets*
Droolik fans have some new items to collect! Fans of giving your little sister the heebie jeebies should pick up the plushie for sure.
There is a new Random Contest available for those who dare enter. The submissions will run for 2 whole weeks to give everyone enough time. Last week's contest brought in more entries than expected and made it quite apparent that it's indeed possible to love cheese *too* much.
You're quite brave if you try and tackle this new Meepit How to Draw. Oh, it's not especially difficult or anything. It's just... a Meepit. *shudder*
Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:47 pm
Well, the Christmas Yurble is tolerable, and the Droolik items are cute, but I don't care for the Royal Poogles. It seems as though all Royal pets are either great or awful. These look pretty weird. It's a shame too because I like Poogles.
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:26 pm
OMG, cute!
I adore Drooliks ^_^
Was it just me, or was today's news hilarous? Reminded me of the Editorial
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:50 pm
I didn't know Wocky Day was coming up so soon, maybe I should try out for one of the spotlights...=) I like the new royal poogles, too.
Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:12 pm
Damn, still no Sketch Snowickle.
Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:53 pm
Ick, I really hate the Christmas Yurble ...
Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:55 pm
The Christmas Yurble's cute, but it looks a little busy to me. I actually like the Royal Poogles, and I don't normally like most Royal pets.
But...why do they have to be so cruel to us waffle-lovers?
Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:58 am
Lorcanwolf wrote: OMG, cute!
I adore Drooliks ^_^
Was it just me, or was today's news hilarous? Reminded me of the Editorial
Ditto. I'm SO buying those items whenthe price drops. Yay for Zomutt and now Droolik love.
Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:09 am
labbiedor wrote:I didn't know Wocky Day was coming up so soon, maybe I should try out for one of the spotlights...=)
Hey, there are other wocky owners
Like I am, but won't be for long (as soon as I can be prodded into buying the lab ray it's zappy time!)
Lorcanwolf wrote:Was it just me, or was today's news hilarous? Reminded me of the Editorial
I agree. I found the waffle quip particularly witty.
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