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Random Contest - Snow Pet

Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:48 pm

Info and Rules:

We at the random contest headquarters have decided that you spend WAY too much time in the house next to your computer. So we are sending you outside for this contest!!!! YAY!!! (please show a little enthusiasm.)

For this contest you are to go outside and make a Snow Pet. The pet is to be a Neopet, not a Petpet, or a Petpetpet, a Neopet. Build your pet out of that wonderful cold snow that you may be shoveling off sidewalks and driveways. After you have sculpted your snowy masterpiece decorate it with scarves etc. It can be anything Neopets-related. We will judge your creations on how detailed they look, their creativity, how well they resemble their digital selves, and overall appearance of course. Keep in mind that we like to laugh, and humour is always appreciated. Now we do realize that some parts of the world never see snow.... Soooo.... if you are from one of these parts of the world we will agree to Sand Pets or Mud/Sludge Pets.

Lawyerbot sighs and says:
- Remember we are not liable for any frostbite or for anyone who is silly enough to eat yellow snow. YUCK!

What. Nobody made cheese cubes and built a castle? Congrats to last weeks winners.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:07 pm

Hmmm... no snow, no sand, and no mud here - guess that counts me out! I wish it was snowing here though... good luck to everyone who does enter :)

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:10 pm

Starry Angel wrote:Hmmm... no snow, no sand, and no mud here - guess that counts me out! I wish it was snowing here though... good luck to everyone who does enter :)

I assumed your sidebar location was a joke - but if you have no snow, sand or mud you really must be in Space. Seriously, there must be some sort of dirt you can add water to if you have no snow or a beach nearby.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:15 pm

No snow here yet , but ill guess ill just have to scrape the freezer for some ice shavings :)

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:16 pm

Yep, I'm in the UK. It's winter and you know when it's frosty and you get really hard earth? Plus I live in a city so it's a bit hard to find much earth around anyway. I could travel to a beach I suppose... people might start giving me funny looks if I start building creatures on the beach in the middle of winter...! It doesn't matter though - I'll enjoy looking at everyone else's entries.


Edit: Good idea about the freezer! Now there's an excuse to defrost it!

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:37 pm

Hmm, I have a freezer in the basement that keeps filling with ice... time to get the pickaxe :)

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:42 pm

I live in Atlantic Canada and our ground is still bare, but all the sand and mud is frozen. This contest is open for two weeks, though, so hopefully it'll snow in time for me to try this. I think it would be fun.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:46 pm

*looks outside*

We're expecting 5 to 8 inches of snow tonight. However, I haven't an inkling of artistic talent, so I don't see myself doing this competition. It would be fun to see the entries though. It's amazing what talented people can do with a bit of snow (or sand if the case may be...I've seen some awesome sand dragons before).

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:48 pm

You should go outside and try, anyway! I find snow sculpting to be easier than drawing, sometimes. You can add or remove snow until whatever you're making looks exactly how you want it. I've done pretty good tigers before, and I usually have trouble drawing those.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:59 pm

No fair to us South Carolinians! :x We haven't had a flake of snow!
Good thing we can use mud...
too bad it doesn't say anything about pine needles.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:14 pm

i wonder if the pet has to have been released or not, because i was thinking of doing a lutari.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:29 pm

I have a few feet of snow and a snow plow to make something big *evil grin* then I had an idea.

I just gone done preparing my freezer. I have some very tiny ice sculpting skills. I had a wonderful idea until I read that it has to be a neopet. Is the snowager or termaculus concidered a petpet? Probably not!

I think those limitations are pretty stifling. People without access to the great outdoors cannot build igloos or buildings out of ice cubes. No scenery, items, or petpets.

Last edited by stampsyne on Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:31 pm

I'm just going to wait for the RC where we get to build Marshmallow World :D

I have no snow here at sea level...actually it snowed here once, when I was 3 XD The best thing I could make from the dirt here is a pile of dung. We do have a private beach, but it's full of waterbirds so the sand there is...extra sticky -plus I am NOT embarassing myself building sand creatures in front of my neighbors XD

Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:36 pm

The only thing that builds up around here is dust. Maybe I can make a jubjub.

Oh wait... thats right, I live in Minnesota.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:39 pm

NOOO! :cry:

The snow just melted! (I'm in Vancouver. It doesn't snow her much. :P)

Oh well... Maybe next year?
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