For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:26 am
Is it worth it to redeem coupons at the ice cream shop in happy valley?
On another note, why do the coupons say "This coupon allows you to have a go at the Ice Cream Machine in Happy Valley." and not ice cream shop?
Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:18 am
I don't have any experience with the Ice Cream Machine...but I highly doubt it's worth it.
And the reason it says it's to be redeemed at the Ice Cream Machine and not the Ice Cream Shop is because they're redeemed at the Ice Cream Machine and not the Ice Cream Shop.
That's the header for the place to redeem coupons.
Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:51 am
Let me know if you decide to use the vouceher, as I sold mine, but wondered what goodies I could've won
Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:31 am
So, i did decide to use my voucher.
My blue ice cream coupon got me 190np and a Toffee Ice Cream (500np).
I chose vanilla as a favorite flavor and chose 3 spins.
Needless to say, I could have gotten 30k more by selling the coupon in the shops. However, I did get the coupon from the snow faerie, so I'll view it as no loss. Good experience to gain, and the lesson here is:
Sell your ice cream coupons, dont redeem them!
(of course, there is always that remote chance of getting an ultra rare ice cream worth millions, but will you risk it?)
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