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lost desert plot, please help me!!

Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:33 am

ok i have been following the lost desert plot for a very long time and now i am stuck on the light thing. been weeks and i am going crazy, i know im far behind but please help, i put my useless crystal (1) in to the notch and i got the lights but i did this before anyone knew what the lights were for and then when i found out what they were used for i went back and gues what no light!! does the light only show up once for each cystal? cause i have looked and look and it wont come again and then the 2,3,4,and 5 crstal came and im still trying to get the light onthe frist and and :cry: :cry: is there a certain time that the sercret room lights up? i know its every 8 hours but does that mean 12:00, 8:00, 4:00 neopets time? or is it random, is it the same time for every one? the light says for a whole hour right?

Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:36 am

Umm...what ?

I think your problem can be solved by checking your light room every hour until you get light again. It's not every 8 hours, its roughly every right hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Just keep going till you find your light again

Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:47 am

but i have looked every hour from 11:00- 21:00 and it isnt there, i am so hopeing it comes more that once for each crystal cause i saw it once but stupid me didnt write it down and now i havent seen it since

Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:12 am

This belongs in the Plot discussion thread :)
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