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Adam Powell And Peter Jackson

Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:54 pm

Let's start with the most obvious similarities between NP and LoTR.


Anyone else notice the smilarities? If that wasn't convincing enough, try this one on for size (I had posted this awhile back, but I just can't leave it out.) Trithduril and Naralus were blades used by Kass in the BFMII War.


And Narsil is Isildur's sword.

Gallery of Evil wrote:Sadly the orb worked its foul magic on Lord Darigan and corrupted his once honest heart. The desire for power drove Lord Darigan to plot the destruction of all Neopia until a brave knight overheard his evil plans...

Let's work with this a little.
Sadly the ring worked its foul magic on Isildur and corrupted his once honest heart. The desire for power drove Sauron to plot the destruction of all Middle-Earth...

I see a LAWSUIT! :hug:

And I also noticed something- Four small Neopians set out from their home into another world, right? Didn't four small HOBBITS set out from their home into the world as well?

I'm still thinking of more similarities. If you can think of any more, post 'em here.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:07 pm

First of all the Pirate Shoyru on the avatar does not look a thing like Frodo, there are too many differences. Secondly the item 'Narsil' is not a Neopets item as I tried to search it on Neopets and Neoitems and found no results. Next the quotes which you used are simply a replacing game. You replaced the Neopet names with LOTR names. Finally, I am not sure about the blade factor for the Battle of Meridell and Lord Kass but viewing the following proof I would say there is no relation.

Maybe next time.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:43 pm

Ammer wrote:First of all the Pirate Shoyru on the avatar does not look a thing like Frodo, there are too many differences. Secondly the item 'Narsil' is not a Neopets item as I tried to search it on Neopets and Neoitems and found no results. Next the quotes which you used are simply a replacing game. You replaced the Neopet names with LOTR names. Finally, I am not sure about the blade factor for the Battle of Meridell and Lord Kass but viewing the following proof I would say there is no relation.

Maybe next time.

I'm not seeing the resemblance of the Pirate Shoyru and Frodo at all o_O

Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:00 pm

Mark wrote:
Ammer wrote:First of all the Pirate Shoyru on the avatar does not look a thing like Frodo, there are too many differences. Secondly the item 'Narsil' is not a Neopets item as I tried to search it on Neopets and Neoitems and found no results. Next the quotes which you used are simply a replacing game. You replaced the Neopet names with LOTR names. Finally, I am not sure about the blade factor for the Battle of Meridell and Lord Kass but viewing the following proof I would say there is no relation.

Maybe next time.

I'm not seeing the resemblance of the Pirate Shoyru and Frodo at all o_O

neither am i...i dont see it.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:37 pm

nope, i think the similarities between Jhuidah and Michael Jackson are way more obvious

Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:12 pm

Jens wrote:nope, i think the similarities between Jhuidah and Michael Jackson are way more obvious

^^^too true

Frodo is cute in a sexy sort of way, but the shoyru is cute in the cutesy cartoon kind of way... no resemblance.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:15 pm

You know the actor who plays frodo's face is made out of plastic. I saw him in a program from the very early 90's and he looks EXACTLY the same as he does now, albeit a bit shorter. Very strange behaviour for a hobbit.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:28 pm


For some reason when I first saw this -- I automatically thought it was inspired by Gandalf.... perhaps I'm just goin crazy.

There was some mild admittiance that some stuff in connection to Meridell was inspried by LOTR, not nessessarily ripping them off more of an homage type effect.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:42 pm

Ammer wrote:First of all the Pirate Shoyru on the avatar does not look a thing like Frodo, there are too many differences.

Admittedly, the few similarities between the Shoyru and Frodo are hard to find- It isn't the face or shape of the characters, but rather the manner in which they dress (The jacket, the ring, the shirt).

Ammer wrote:Secondly the item 'Narsil' is not a Neopets item as I tried to search it on Neopets and Neoitems and found no results.

"Narsil," of course, is not a real item; for those who follow the LotR storyline, "Narsil" is the name of the sword that Isildur used to cut the ring from Sauron's hand. The names of Kass's swords closely resemble the names of the blades "Narsil" and "Andúril" that were used in Lord of the Rings.

Ammer wrote:Next the quotes which you used are simply a replacing game. You replaced the Neopet names with LOTR names.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. This is simply to point out how similar the plotlines are in certain manners. This isn't accusing the Neopets Team of plagiarism or the inability to come up with original ideas.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:07 pm

OmniIcyshelf wrote:
Ammer wrote:First of all the Pirate Shoyru on the avatar does not look a thing like Frodo, there are too many differences.

Admittedly, the few similarities between the Shoyru and Frodo are hard to find- It isn't the face or shape of the characters, but rather the manner in which they dress (The jacket, the ring, the shirt).

I don't see how you can call them similar, the shirt the ring and the jacket do not look like Frodos, no matter how you look at them.

Also the 2nd set of images don't work.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:26 pm

Oh, if only any of you had seen the first "Map of Neopia" back when it first started... You would see that lots of stuff in Neopia is inspired by LOTR *coughtherewasaplacecalledMoriacough*. In fact, Donna has admitted how obsessed they were with that trilogy.

Oh yes, Flotsam and Jetsam are a chapter in the LOTR... Or the Hobbit... either way... (Yes, I know they are actual words before anyone points that out to me, I'm just saying that they are also the name of a chapter in a book).

And there are more that I cannot think of.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:31 pm

Of course some of neopets will be inspired by LOTR. Adam loves it. Many books/films/games/toys were inspired by it too and still are today.

Don't get why you posted this though. Especially the frodo and shoy av O_O The shoy is a pirate and doesn't resemble anything to do with frodo. Unless it's an inside joke or something really small...

Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:05 pm

Erm... with your quotes, you can't replace Lord Darigan for Isildur in one part and Sauron in another. Lord Darigan isn't two people.

And there's more of a similarity between the Pirate Shoyru and a piece of bubble gum than there is between it and Frodo.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:07 pm

Moogum wrote:Oh yes, Flotsam and Jetsam are a chapter in the LOTR...
i thought they were names that are being used a lot for fishes orrrrr something like that?

Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:12 pm

In maritime law, flotsam applies to wreckage or cargo left floating on the sea after a shipwreck. Jetsam applies to cargo or equipment thrown overboard from a ship in distress and either sunk or washed ashore. The common phrase flotsam and jetsam is now used loosely to describe any objects found floating or washed ashore.

It's a common phrase, so it wasn't a specific Tolkein thing.
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