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22nd News

Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:53 pm

22nd November

* To mark the release if a rather special Petpet Paint Brush, we have declared today Darigan Day!

* Darigan fans will be pleased to hear that Neohome plots on the floating citadel are now available.

* Give your Neohome that Darigan feel with this new Furniture.

* Atemu_8117 and his owner ron_8117 are the latest Site Spotlight winners.

* Who knew such lovely toys could come out of the Darigan Citadel?

* With Usul Day fast approaching, here is your not-so-subtle reminder to send in your Usul themed spotlight entries before it's too late.

* These quite devious looking pets are now available at the Rainbow Pool.

* Some new Poems featuring all things Darigan are now available for you viewing pleasure.

* Put that new Darigan Petpet Paint Brush to use at the Petpet Puddle!

* Opening The Gate, argon0034's Faerie Cave, has just won the Faerie Caves Spotlight.

* This new Darigan Background is perfect for those wanting to adorn their desktop with something a bit more... devious.

* Niceguys is actually quite deceiving with his Minigolf Spotlight winning level, Pesky.

* These Morphing Potions appear to have been contaminated somehow!

Darigan hissi?! Hurrah!

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:10 pm

Loving the Daragian Petpets. Hasee looks cool....*chants for Daragian Narwhool(or any Narwhool colour) >>

Is it me or does that 1st Toy look weirdly drawn o0 (The one with the wocky and techo head)

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:13 pm

Darigan Hissi is pretty nice, I don't like the buzz though. It's feet are gigantic. D:

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:15 pm


MUST GET! O_O Two things related to darigan Bori now...I'm happy for that, but I want a Darigan bori plushie. Meh beggers can't be choosers.


With Neocolors down, seeing this kinda makes me sad. I hate darigan Hissi and Darigan Buzz. =/
The darigan petpets are cool though, kinda weird how the CC hows them non-purple though.

Lord darigan deserves his own day. :x

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:16 pm

Is it me or does that 1st Toy look weirdly drawn o0 (The one with the wocky and techo head)

I agree - it's kind of freaky as well!

I wonder how easy it is to get hold of those morphing potions... I very rarely see any kind of morphing potions in the shop. I guess they don't stock very often o_O

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:17 pm

Okay: ... s_2005.gif

In this picture there's a Darigan Noil (which I've been waiting for forever), and yet there's no Darigan Noil in the news! And the Babaa in this picture is blue, while the real (and excellent) one is purple.

I want a real Darigan Noil! :)

Anyone get the pb yet?

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:22 pm

Armi wrote:Image


Hee, I saw that and thought to myself "hmm, I wonder who'll be a big fan of that item" x)

I love the petpets, I'm hoping for a darigan noil though like the one in the background and some more darigans to follow shortly. I'm a bit disappointed with the news overall, I would have liked it to be an "official" darigan day from now on with more items and toys and things.

I'm not a fan of the hissi, the art looks off to me again. The buzz is okay but not worth the price tag I think compared to the bori, scorchio, aisha, kau etc.

Ah well, at least I like the petpets! :)

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:46 pm

I'm not very fond of Hissi's. I think they're horribly drawn and just ugly looking. lol I do like the Darigan Themed Items though ;D

Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:01 pm

No avatar?! Gah, if there were ever an opportunity to have a well thought out own-this-pet avatar, this would've been it. PBs wouldn't inflate because they're sold at a consistant price. Bah! And I could have gotten it for free! :evil:
Hissis don't have many fantastic colors IMO (still waiting for a good one to come out so I can paint mine) but this one seems the best so far IMO :) Awesome idea, but the "chest" part of him connects to the ...other part (?!) really strange. And dare I say it, are some of the lines too thin? :O And others too thick... bah I'm all over the place with this guy, I can't tell if I like him or not. Face looks neat. Buzz could've been worse. Much much worse. I like it :)

Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:05 pm

metalmario wrote:No avatar?! Gah, if there were ever an opportunity to have a well thought out own-this-pet avatar, this would've been it. PBs wouldn't inflate because they're sold at a consistant price. Bah! And I could have gotten it for free! :evil:

Yes! If only there were an avatar for this, because I could actually have it then, with my Darigan Eyrie. But i like all of my pets on my main account too much to paint them for other ones.

Also, it would be nice to get a little treat for having a pet of the right color on theme days like this (well, if there weren't an avatar, that would be treat enough for me). Maybe not free training (although that might not be a bad idea), but just like getting NP for having the right petpet, or getting a plushie, or something like that.

*scratches Emrethyst behind the ear tufts*

Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:25 pm

You kow they could have said that it was about two years ago that the Citadel was first seen over Meridell instead of celebrating it because of the petpet paintbrush (that was first thing that came to mind when I saw the pb.) :roll:

Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:51 pm

Ack, the Darigan Hissi is a mess. I loathe thick outlines in Neopets artwork. It would at least make more sense if ALL the lines were thick and clunky, but they couldn't even get that right, and the result is just a big inconsistent mess. *mourns* Evil mutant snake could've been so cool...

Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:27 am

Seriously? Nobody likes the darigan hissi? If I was the sort to throw np around, I'd consider painting my hissi that. I love the spikes down its back and the scales down its belly. I love the noxious green smoke spewing from its mouth and the sinister looking wings. And I think it's well drawn which immediately makes it good in my mind.

Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:30 am

I like the Darigan Hissi.
Not as much as the faerie one mind (Heh, coatl Sorcerer with 128hp at level 3 :lol:

Buzz however. :x
Gimme that cool polearm wielding one on the servers during the first war.

Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:34 am

The bori plushie is awesome! So is the hissi! <3

They need to make some BLUE or RED darigan petpets. Not all of them are purple :/ And why do ALL of them have wings? -0-
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