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Help With Beating SnowBeast

Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:15 am

I need help to beat SnowBeast for DoN.

Current stats:
Lvl : 31
Hit Points : 446 / 422
Strength : ULTIMATE (205)
Defence : GREAT (23)

Currently equipped items:
Honey Potion
Scarab Ring
Leaf Shield
Scuzzys Comb
Ramtors Spellbook
Greater Healing Scroll
Scroll of Freezing

I'd like to keep my budget at around 2 million. Thanks

Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:38 am

train to get beserk, and you shld be able to defeat it in a few attempts. ur stats look pretty ok atm. if u still cant defeat, then upgrade ur weap to the nq2 13 iconers.

Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:04 am

I know it's been ages, but have you beaten him yet? If not, this is what worked for me (I'm level 100, have 200 strength and 190 HP):

Round 1: Downsize!, 11-iconer, Drain Life.
Round 2: Burrow, Freezer, 11-iconer
Round 3: Honey Potion, Water Muffin, Berserk.

This finished him off. I was lucky in that he didn't freeze me or heal with jade during this fight... I had to withdraw a few times when he froze me first round in other fights.
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