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Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:44 am

Anyone else getting glitches? I tried to withdraw about 4k from my till, it withdrew, yet the 4k was still IN the till. Then I went to deposit the 4k I took out into the bank, and it didn't go in, yet disappeared. Went back to the till, and it was 0 also. So I lost 4k, 8k if you're counting the "extra."
Just warning, be careful. :/ Or maybe I was just the "lucky" one.

Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:46 am

:hug: ya, check this thread for more success stories

Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:48 am

I saw this on the BD chat, someone posted a topic asking what people had in their shop till. The person said that for whatever reason, the np in the till had doubled. Now they didn't say if they withdrew the np, tried to put it in the bank or even go rs. Just that they had all this extra np.

I went to my till and the amount was correct. I know how much was in there because I'd withdrawn just a couple hours ago to buy more training codestones. But until things are settled, I'm not touching my shop till.

I am sorry you lost your 4k :( Every np counts!

Things have just been way too glitchy lately.

Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:48 am

Whoa, I skimmed the front page and didn't see anything, how the hell did I miss a 7 page thread? Apologies!

Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:07 am

The trading post is really bad.

ppl are getting different items to the ones they offered on, someone on the boards got sludge instead of the maps they bid on.

I tried to accept a trade, and it told me my Lot didnt exist..

on the boards ppl are talking about the things they have lost ...

Im staying out of there and doing nothing on the site... Last year I lost so much with the BDay SDB glitch, I certainly dont want to make it 2 times in a row... grrrr


Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:30 am

Oh gosh, the SDB glitch last year was around this time wasn't it? I lost out on that one myself. Not the amount some people did by any means, but I think it's all relative.

Maybe what Neo should do on their birthday is just put a pause on whatever else is going on for the day and just concentrate on the birthday stuff -- the sidebar, adding extra REs, not that I saw anything except a "dragon" flying to Mystery Island and Adee with her badges (we don't need no stinkin' badges).

I mean even the Academy was unreachable last night! So adding the extra plot stuff and the new BD challenger when the site's been glitchy for, what, about a week now? might not have been the best decision.

Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:04 am

even the faerie quests are glitchy. I got a random event saying I had a faerie quest. I went and took the item out of my deposit box, and went to the quest page. Yet, it said that I didnt have a quest, and I could visit the shop wizard and all. 30 min later, while trying to buy an item, the faerie quest reappeared when I tried to use the shop wizard.

Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:18 am

It may have been the game I was playing (a sponsor game), but it seems that some games are gltiching with the number of plays done (therefore giving you an unlimited payout.)

Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:38 am

yep i posted about htat in the other thread and sent a bug report in so i dont get frozen for not realizing it

Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:06 am

So am I the only one who is STILL bothered by slowness and glitches of neopets? It seems especially the server is very often giving time outs causing pages not to load. And it's been this way since the birthday :-S

Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:15 pm

Zenial wrote:So am I the only one who is STILL bothered by slowness and glitches of neopets? It seems especially the server is very often giving time outs causing pages not to load. And it's been this way since the birthday :-S

Ive gotten a lot of red x's and pages/images only loading halfway or blank recently, but Ive just blamed that on my computer.
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