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Gallery spotlight submission form

Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:42 pm

After you submit a gallery, it gives you this message:

Your spotlight entry been updated.
You will be notified if your entry is accepted or rejected. Good luck! ;)"

I have never been notified either way... Has anyone else?

Edit: Also, we have to submit the form each week, they don't carry over the entries, do they?

Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:36 am

Once I entered my Alien Aisha Gallery in by accident - I was browsing the page, then accidentally clicked "submit". I didn't have anything in my description, so about 1-2 weeks later they neomailed me with a rejection letter. I'm pretty sure they carry over the entries - just because your gallery doesn't win this week it doesn't mean it won't win next week.

Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:40 am

Lovely. :roll: I've been submitting the form every time a new round is announced, because I assumed it was like the other spotlights.
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