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Self Freeze

Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:11 pm

I made a new account, magaaazine on Neopets, and I was wondering, if, after I transfered my items and neopoints, and the plot is over, I should self freeze my old one, blueyedbeauty110. But I don't know how to self freeze. Could someone help?

Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:54 pm

Well. I don't this it's the wisest idea. But, here you go:

1. Do everything you need to do to the soon to be frozen account.
2. Log into the account you want to freeze.
3. Go to this link:
4. BEWARE! This is your last chance. Do you really want to get rid of your account forever? If you do, fill in the information asked and hit 'Remove My Account.'
5. Your account is now frozen forever.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:12 pm

Thank you! I just don't really like the name and I want to start over without having to be all, no shop or daily freebies or anything . . .
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