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Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:13 pm

I haven't been around PPT or neopets for a really long time, probably coming up to nearly a year.

I have totally lost what is going on, I just spent three hours checking the price of everything in my SDB in the hope of finding something had shot up in price. It didn't seem like I was a closet millionaire :(

Anyway, I don't know:

How to get premium (I know you have to pay, but I want to be a premium member and I can't find a sign-up page)

Whether it's too late to get in on the plot

How many retired avatars I have missed

The last new paintbrush colour I saw was snow, there seem to be a few more :/

Can anyone help me with this?

Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:27 pm

they have a tutorial on the premium thing.

best avatar help site I've found.

That's all I know...or I'm willing to share at this point... :roll:

Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:31 pm

Welcome back :) For premium I think you still need to be referred by someone who already has premium - there is a list of ppters with referrals on this thread. If you look up the petpage of Leto on neopets that is the best premium information place available - even tnt refer people there ^^

For the plot I'm not too sure, it doesn't seem to be ending yet but it would take a lot of work to catch up, as in hours and hours so it may not be worth it.

This site: is wonderful for avatar purposes - you sign up and copy the source of your page with your avatar list and it will tell you which ones you still need to get and exactly how to get them (including telling you which ones are unattainable - ie, retired). It was made by one of the neoitems people and is excellent.

For pb colours, there is if you fancy a browse. The most recent new pb was the Camouflage Paint Brush, I'm not sure which others were released after the Snow Paint Brush. Also there is a list of all the pbs at the rainbow pool on neopets, I'm not sure if it is on order but it may help. I hope that helps a bit anyway :D

Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:49 pm

I think you may be a bit too late on the last plot, but Dolphinling has a great Avatar Hider that I love to use to see what avatars I still need. There are plenty of clickies (avvies you get by visiting a page) to collect.

Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:58 pm

Trick wrote:This site: is wonderful for avatar purposes - you sign up and copy the source of your page with your avatar list and it will tell you which ones you still need to get and exactly how to get them (including telling you which ones are unattainable - ie, retired). It was made by one of the neoitems people and is excellent.

You're kidding me? Someone actually made that? SWEET! Have to check that out at some time. :D

Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:18 pm

honny check yer pm I need one more premium referal for my next prize I'd love to be able to help ya if yer willing -ws- if not hats cool as well I've been dying to get my pb for months now and cant find anyone to sign up under me for a referal
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