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Alt/Title Text

Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:12 pm

I just noticed that neo have replaced all alt tags of item images with title tags. In Firefox it used to be that if you hovered over items on neopets (in shops, inventory etc) you wouldn't see the text description of the item popping up. Neopets used the alt tag for the description which firefox doesn't show when you hover over it (IE does).

Now though they've got the alt text as the title text instead which means when you hover over an image in firefox the description of the item shows up :) Unfortunately they now don't have an alt tag at all which means it is borked in IE and Opera and is non-standards compliant (silly as they can have both a title tag and an alt tag). It also means you can't right click and see the description of the item any more in the properties :S

So.. I guess they're working on it! I just found it interesting as I can hover over items in firefox now but on the other hand I have no way of copying the description on items that are rarity 99 and above.

Edit: and now they've deleted the title tags and put empty alt tags... too confusing!

Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:13 pm

How odd!

I use Firefox and I noticed that we couldn't see the alt tag data. Hopefully they can get the descriptions visible for all the major browsers.

Having to code for different browsers is such a pain in the neck!

Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:15 pm

How weird... I'm a Firefox user too, so I was all excited at the prospect of title tags so I wouldn't have to right click to see the amusing captions they give a lot of items. I hope they get that straightened out soon so the text will finally work with all browsers.

[edit: heh, pardon the repetitiveness... guess I posted too slow :P]

Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:05 pm

For those who don't know, there is an extension for firefox for the alt attribute. It is called PopUp ALT Attribute and available here: . I have been using it for quite some time.

Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:38 am

Item images in your inventory now have both alt and title text - hurrah! So firefoxers can now just hover over the items to see the description :D
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