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No stock for auto-refreshing?

Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:49 am

Here's what happened. Three times within the past week, I got Sneezles. That's 3 times $5k+ spent in a week. I got tired fast of giving in to the drug pushers who prey on people's devotion to their pets by jacking up their prices to almost 800% (but that's another subject), so I decide to get some of the medication from the source. I go to the pharmacy and set my browser to auto-refresh. After a while, the shopkeeper just keeps returning the "out of stock" message, but, at the same time, other people I know can see plenty of stock of stock in the shop. Anyone else ever notice that?

Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:02 am

Perhaps you got restock banned?

Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:06 am

1. Auto-refreshers are banned on and can get you frozen if you are caught with one.

2. You're restock banned. Refreshing too many times in a set time limit will end up in you being banned from all Neopets shops. The limit used to be 3 times in 5 seconds, but that was over a year ago so has probably changed (or the info was just wrong XP). In a week or so, you'll be able to purchase from main shops

Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:14 am

I can refresh more quickly by pressing the F5 key manually. I don't really see how letting the browser do it is an advantage. And, for the record, I do not refresh three times in 5 seconds, though I can do so easily by pressing F5 in rapid succession.

Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:54 am

This is why you go to the healing faerie. She helps quite quickly, even if it means your pet will be a little sick for a while longer than if you got the medicine, until she can help.

Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:15 am

Most shops are hard to find having any items for sale. Try between 2am and 6 am NST.... but then if you are waiting that long, visit the healing springs. Medications are definately not required in Neopia.

Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:35 pm

You aren't allowed to have auto refreshers, period. Which means there will be no discussion of them here. Topic closed.
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