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World Challenge Gallery Question

Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:06 am

I've noticed that in the World Challenge Game Section, we have Gallery 1 and Gallery 2 for each world. My question is this: do we have to fill Gallery 1 before getting map pieces for Gallery 2? What happens if we convert Gallery 1? Will the map pieces fill up #1 again, or will they fill up #2? I've almost got my Lost Desert World Gallery #1 filled up, and would like to get Gallery #2 maps. o_O

Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:02 am

Sierra, you'll have to complete and turn in that first WC map to be able to start the second one. That's my understanding. The few times I've managed to get a full WC map I sell them (I have NO luck with maps, scratchcards, etc.).

Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:03 am

Thanks for the quick reply. Everconfused! Do you happen to know what type of prizes are awarded for converting our maps? LOL, my luck I'll get 1000 NPs and a Bubble Gun! :P

Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:43 am

I can't remember exactly what the rarities are for prizes, but people have received anything from a codestone to a high-level paint brush like pirate or maraquan. It's so random and so varied that it really is a bit of a gamble. I was lucky enough to get a pink pb on the Neopia Central 1 map I converted. :D

Remember that once you convert a map, you can never earn pieces for that map again. So if you're looking to make np and don't mind working extra hard, you can collect all the pieces to a map multiple times and sell them, before finally converting your own map.

As for the level 2 prizes, I've never heard from anyone who's converted one but the prizes are supposed to be better. *shrug*

Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:10 am

I didn't realize that you can never get map pieces again once you convert a map! Thanks for letting me know... It doesn't really seem right to me for some reason. I think they should let us start over on the maps we convert. Hmmm, now I have to decide whether to sell my pieces or convert them.

Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:00 am

This has relevant info on the prizes:

As for myself, I know for a fact that you can't EARN pieces of a 2nd map until you submit the first one... Although whether you can buy a 2nd map and turn it in any time, I don't know.

I've submitted three maps:
Tyrannia1 -> Lu Codestone
Neopia 1 -> Pink Petpet PB
Tyrannia2 -> Five Hundred Dubloon Coin (got it just todaty :D )

Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:50 am

Sierra, I'm kind of in the same situation. I'm sitting on a completed Neopia Central WC map (1) and I'm 5 pieces away from another Haunted Woods map. Now whether to convert and never be able to get another of #1 for those and end up (with my luck) a codestone is just bleh. On the other hand, if I don't convert, I'll never be able to start getting set #2!

I'm pretty sure it's always been that once you convert a map, you can't collect the pieces again via game playing. I've somehow gotten Haunted Woods completed twice (takes me forever) and I sold them both.

Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:54 am

Well, I finally did it -- after hours of pondering the pros and cons, I converted my Lost Desert I map. I got 2,000 NPs, plus an Invisible Paint Brush. The Shop Wizard shows the PB selling for around 88,000 NPs... So I guess it would have been better to just sell the map pieces. :roll:

Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:55 am

HA at least using the SSW I saved some points and wound up with a spotted pb which I can sell for 56-59k big whoop
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