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Oh god. Oh god, no.

Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:22 pm

My account was frozen... I was golddragonessz and oh god I was frozen because I hit a random button combination on the neoboards and I was reported for profanity. Profanity! IT WAS FOUR RANDOM BUTTONS THAT MEANT NOTHING! And now I've lost my draik and maraquan kyrii and all my stuff and oh god I can't stop crying


Update: Ignore the hysteria above. I just received and responded to an e-mail from a member of TNT. Here's hoping that I followed her instructions well enough.
Last edited by Yumei on Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:25 pm

Report it now. If it was truly unfair and uncalled for simply report it, and explain thoroughly what happened- what you did and what message you recieved.
Good luck!

Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:27 pm

I did, I did, but oh god, they never respond, they did this with my first account only they froze it for no reason. And now Zalika's gone and all my stuff and they're laughing at me again- they're LAUGHING at me AGAIN and I'm trapped, I sent a detailed report and they're just going to tell me to get a life and I'm never going to see any of my pets ever again! EVER! Oh god, no, no, please let this be a bad dream like the time I dreamed Zalika had been pound sniped oh god...

Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:31 pm

ERROR : Sorry, nothing with the name 'golddragonessz' exists. Please try again!

Zalika the Yellow Peophin
Zalika - Statistics -
Age : 419 days old (10076 hours)
Level : 1
Owner : Laura Ranola (zalika67)
Gender : Female
Height : 46 cms.
Weight : 95 lbs.
Hit Points : 10 / 10
Strength : quite strong
Defence : armoured
Movement : average
Intelligence : average


Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:39 pm

Her name had underscores. _Zalika_. My other two were Aquatic_Amazoness and Justforavatar437

Yes, it was golddragonessz... oh god they deleted it they deleted it NO! NO NO NO PLEASE GOD NO

Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:55 pm

Firstly calm down. TNT are far more likely to respond to someone who is being calm. Your account is not showing up because it is frozen, not because it is deleted.

It seems like you have filled in the standard report form which is good, you might want to e-mail a tnt member seperately stating calmly what happened, how much your account and pets mean to you and why you would never do anything to put your account in danger on purpose.

But you really must keep calm otherwise they'll not bother reading what you write. I don't know any e-mails of the tnt support team but I know other people have found them by doing a search on these forums so I'd suggest you try that. Also if you search these forums for similar threads (search all words: frozen e-mail etc) you'll find that Morningstar has given great advice to those who have lost their accounts in terms of what to write and in what manner to put it across. Good luck =)

Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:32 pm

I'm calmer now.

I did send an e-mail to a member of the support team, the only one who responded when my first account was unjustly frozen. It was fairly eloquent, well-written, and polite.

I got an automated message back. *Shrugs* Should I chance sending a second standard report in now that I'm calm and remember all my info? (I kinda... used a fake birthdate when I made the account, I was only... what, 13? and I forgot it in my panic. I mean, I think I got it right, but I was too terrified to be sure.)

It's not the rarity of the pets that worries me, or the items, really. I have a side account with a second draik and a krawk, and a lab account so I can zap a new Kyrii if necessary, but dammit, it isn't fair. I was learning to restock, making NP legitimately, working towards my goals, and one report-happy New Member later ("OMG she has better pets than I do and she happened to mash four letters that seem similar to a curse word! PROFANITY! REPORT!"), my account is gone.

What makes it worse is that my Draik, _Zalika_, was given to me (well, the potion was) on a similar occasion two and a half years ago. TNT has done this to me before.

And I don't think they like me much. They didn't respond to my queries about my first account for about a year and a half.

Any tips you can give for helping me get my account back (or, if worst comes to worst, re-making it) would be greatly appreciated.

If I DO have to remake it... gah. Don't even want to consider it.

*hopes against hope that TNT will give her account back*

Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:17 pm

If you remember more information that would help you could always try sending in another form stating that it is your second one and you remembered more on it, can't hurt I guess :)

Also if you get an automated response back from a staff member don't give up! The trick is to keep at it but at the same time don't annoy them, so I'd suggest waiting a few days and sending another personal e-mail to another support person. Also make sure at the very beginning you state you have already filled in the correct forms.

I'm sure other people will have a whole heap of help they can give you as many have been in the same situation. I really hope you get your account back soon :)

Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:05 am

There is a waiting period on frozen account responses. If you do not hear anything at the end of two weeks, then fill out he form again.

Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:09 pm

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Anyway, a friend of mine, not naming names, but he was a fairly early "beta tester" of Premium, is hunting up e-mail addresses for me. I'll have to wait and see what develops.

Two weeks, huh? Figures that they'd freeze the account five days before my birthday. *Sigh*

Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:10 am

Yumei wrote:Ah, I see. Thanks.

Anyway, a friend of mine, not naming names, but he was a fairly early "beta tester" of Premium, is hunting up e-mail addresses for me. I'll have to wait and see what develops.

Two weeks, huh? Figures that they'd freeze the account five days before my birthday. *Sigh*

They froze mine the day before my birthday :oops:

Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:52 pm


Dude, that sucks. Hugely. You got it back... right? >>;;;

Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:59 am

It's all over. I just got this e-mail in response to my second report. Heidi said maybe to my first one, then Justin shot me down just like this. wrote:


Thanks for your inquiry. This account has been frozen for profanity. This is strictly against the terms and conditions that you agreed upon when you created your account. You can review our terms and policies here: and here: Because you have violated our terms and conditions we cannot return your account, Neopets, items or anything else contained within that account.

If you have any other questions, don't forget to include the entire text of this e-mail with your username clearly at the top. This will help me better address your situation.

Justin J.

Feel free to flame/spam/whatever.

I don't understand it. I didn't even intend to curse- it was a random noise. I made the noise out of exasperation, and someone who was jealous AND holding a contest got ME frozen for nothing.

And it's my birthday in two hours, too. Wonderful. Best birthday present ever.

I hate Neopets. I hate it with a passion.

Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:13 pm

o.o PM me. Really. I want to help in any way possible. I will email every tnt person I know until they break down. I mean it.

Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:28 pm

I'm very sorry your account was frozen. If it gets unfrozen, please, don't ever go to the Neoboards again. It's the number one reason people get frozen. Watch if you feel the need to go there, but please, don't post. You could get frozen for saying "hi" over there. :roll: Good luck getting your account unfrozen!
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