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Your Caption Contest ideas!

Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:21 pm

As we all know, you can send your entry for the Caption Contest thousands of times, and of course you won't find them in the chosen ones, although your entry is much better than the others.

And because it is really desperating to tell your jokes to no one, I suggest that when you have a good idea for the current Caption Contest, you could write it here (unless you're afraid that someone will take it).

Feel free to share your jokes. :)

Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:31 pm

This is a great idea!! I used to enter the caption contest numerous times each week. I'd anxiously await the voting phase, only to find, once again, my entries didn't make it. Disappointment I can handle. What started to really frustrate me was the nonsense that would make it up there!! A select few are genuinely funny and the rest are really pretty lame. I've tried to justify this to myself... TNT must have thousands to go through, they probably never even got to mine, or TNT needs to put a few simple ideas in each week to entertain the younger participants.

Needless to say, I stopped entering. I was tired of using up all my creative juices that no one would see except me!!

Your idea gets me interested in participating again! Thanks!

Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:50 pm

I believe that they are chosen randomly or something of that nature.
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