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Cant send game scores

Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:17 pm

"Sorry, our servers are currently experiencing problems and we cannot accept your score right now : ("

Anyone else getting this?

Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:25 pm

What game?

You'll get that the vast majority of the time with HatIC and HatPC if your score is around 380k or more... Very annoying.

Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:32 pm

I was playing Trix Birthday Surprize

Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:20 pm

endeavourl wrote:I was playing Trix Birthday Surprize

Err, that game is inactive. I think. Once they're inactive, you can't send score, or else people could get thousands upon thousands of NP a day just from sponsor games

Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:24 pm

but it says 1100 plays today...

Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:11 am

I've had the same problem with two sponsor games. A Reebok one and the Eye-Toy Kacheek Soccer one. It says X amount of people have played, but when I play, I can never send my score.

It makes sense if they're inactive, but when that's the case, they just take the actual games off the site. These are still well and truly here.
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