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Neohome glitch? Items disappear

Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:05 am

Earlier today, I purchased and added a new staircase to my neohome, only to find the item gone from inventory, but not present in my neohome. I filed a bug report. Other users told me that some of the stairs had not been "worked out" correctly by TNT for display inside a neohome and that they would most likely appear later.

Just now, I added 6 or 7 stone chairs, 4 hewn stone chairs, an icy table, a hanging house plant and 4 wiggling seaweed plants - all disappeared from inventory, as they should. Only the hanging house plant actually appeared in my neohome. Of course, I filed another bug report.

It might be a good idea to avoid adding anything expensive to your neohomes, at least for now.

Is this happening to anyone else?

Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:22 am

Neohomes have always made me nervous. When they first came out I went crazy and built around 50 rooms, then I stopped playing for about six months since I got busy with school--blah to Organic Chemistry. When I came back, I only had 18 rooms. Ahh! I think I lost millions there. Never filed a report though *shifts eyes* because I didn't want an automated response (which I knew I'd get cuz I worked for TNT for a while and knew the chances of that happening).

ANYHOO...that was my semi-bitter rant...

More on topic--I have had an item or two disappear from my Neohome since then. Luckily they weren't too valuable (I think they were plants) :(

Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:53 am

Gosh - that's a lot of rooms to go missing! :o

It's still happening to me. I've tried adding one item at a time, and different rooms. They are just disappearing. Still wondering if it's just me, though. o_O

Edit: I now have a few of the chairs showing up on the remove items page. But still nothing in the room.

Also, a few others are reporting the same thing (3 so far.)

Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:17 am

I just purchased a Stone Chair to test it out since you said you lost 6 of them and it appeared in the room. Is your NeoHome large? Just asking cuz I've had items appear in a different room than I originally intended. Quite puzzling. o_O Good luck!

Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:17 am

Well, I have 32 rooms... I'm quite sure I didn't click the wrong room though. The items (most of them) are showing up on the "remove items" page now, just not in the room itself.


Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:18 am

Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one! I had a spooky window in my Neohome dissapear last night. I took it out and put it in again - it still didn't show up. No broken image, just nothing. :(

Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:25 pm

Thanks for the remove items suggestion. Yesterday I put a Slime Covered Window in my neohome and it disappeared. I thought it was gone for good, but I just found it under remove items. Thanks!

Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:29 pm

For an explanation and some help about what's going on with neohomes the last couple of days, go to ... g=Aelfrich

Sorry, the direct link to the information is

Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:40 pm

marccaty wrote:For an explanation and some help about what's going on with neohomes the last couple of days, go to ... g=Aelfrich

Sorry, the direct link to the information is

Wow, that is quite helpful information on that page. I highly recomment a read through for anyone who is having neohome problems. Thanks, marccaty. I will pass this info on to my guild.

Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:29 pm

marccaty wrote:For an explanation and some help about what's going on with neohomes the last couple of days, go to ... g=Aelfrich

Sorry, the direct link to the information is

Thanks for posting this. It's nice to know I'm not entirely alone in my misery. :P
I got the icy table to show up instead of the hanging house plant, using the steps suggested on that page, but still can't get more than that.
I had no idea they were working on the depth. I didn't have any problems with it before this stupid glitch. :x

Edit: My missing items suddenly appeared. I am now able to add items normally as well. Woot! I think it might be over....
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