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Potion that changes pet gender

Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:49 pm

is there a potion that changes your pet's gender? i'm thinking it might be one of kauvera's potions, but i'm not even sure if such a potion exists! the only way i know that will change your pets gender is the lab ray.
but i don't want to use the lab ray! my pet finally turned faerie by useing the lab ray but my pet is a guy with a girls name! :cry:
so, is there a potion?

Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:58 pm

I think it's called "strange potion".

An alternative way to change your pet's gender is to fight the lab ray scientist at the BD.. that can change your pet's gender.

Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:01 pm

There is the Strange Potion which changes the gender of your pet - it costs at least 800k though :/

But if you have the lab ray there is a cheaper/free solution. At the page where you choose which pet to zap you have to refresh to get the Lab Ray Scientist as a Battledome opponent. It might take a lot of refreshing but you will get him eventually. Choose the pet whose gender you want to change and fight the Scientist in the battledome - one of his weapons changes the gender of your pet. As soon as the gender is changed withdraw from the fight (so he doesn't change it again) by going to the status page in the battledome.

Hope that helps :)

Edit, hehe beaten to it :D

Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:16 am

Trick wrote:There is the Strange Potion which changes the gender of your pet - it costs at least 800k though :/

But if you have the lab ray there is a cheaper/free solution. At the page where you choose which pet to zap you have to refresh to get the Lab Ray Scientist as a Battledome opponent. It might take a lot of refreshing but you will get him eventually. Choose the pet whose gender you want to change and fight the Scientist in the battledome - one of his weapons changes the gender of your pet. As soon as the gender is changed withdraw from the fight (so he doesn't change it again) by going to the status page in the battledome.

Hope that helps :)

Edit, hehe beaten to it :D

He is rather strong, so no guarantee you won't lose the fight when you have the scientist change gender.

Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:19 am

That's why you need to withdraw as soon as it changes. Use a leaf shield and you may be okay and you can always withdraw after his first attack and heal until he hits you first time.

Mind you a battledome loss or two is still perhaps worth a saving of over 800k ;)

Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:38 am

K, thanks for the tips :) . I really don't think i'll ever get enough to get the strange potion, so i'll just try to fight the Lab Ray Scientist :)

EDIT: Yay! The Lab Ray Scientist changed my pets gender! :) Thanks again :D !

Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:42 pm

I really hate this gender change thing at the lab ray, beacuse my names doesn't go so well with the pets then:S

Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:18 pm

Strange ptions = 100K + D:

Lab ray guy = To strong for my pet xD

Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:32 pm

Troggy7 wrote:Strange ptions = 100K + D:

Lab ray guy = To strong for my pet xD

Try 1 million. You clearly used the shop wizard. Currently there is only one of htem up for trades.

Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:05 pm

I've actually found the Lab Scientist often does his gender-zappy-changy thing in his first hit, and when he does that he doesn't seem to use his big guns. So you don't need a strong pet to get a gender change, and you won't necessarily rack up a loss (though, of course, you might).

I love the Lab Scientist. One of the best recent additions to the site, IMHO. Before that, the gender-shange bit was one of the most annoying aspects of the Lab Ray. Almost all of the permies I've labbed have had gender-related woes at some point: one pet I was zapping for stats that I had to zap for over a month longer than I planned before she turned back into a "she," the Darigan Zafara I kept zapping until I got a gender change because he had to be a "he," the Darigan Peophin I originally planned to be male that stayed a "she" because I wasn't willing to keep zapping her...

I love the Lab Scientist. :-)
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