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What reward do you get for completing the faerie crossword??

Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:58 pm

Before the updates, I saw my pet's intelligence go up but now I can't find anything happening after the updates. Are there still any rewards?

Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:01 pm

I don't know if Intelligence goes up anymore, but I know you get neopoints. For the fastest time (not sure what the bracket is), you get 600 np. For slower times, you get less, but you still get neopoints. :)

Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:52 pm

I got an intelligence boost of one point just yesterday, so unless things changed since then, yep. It doesn't boost it every time you do it though. Today I only got the neopoints.

Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:28 pm

if you complete it in under 5 minutes you get the full 600nps.

and i haven't had much luck with intelligence lately, but it does come in handy, never read many books to my pets and just noticed the other day that one of them is intelligence 45.

but i think the shrine does intelligence points as well.

Solve puzzle in less than 5 minutes 600 neopoints
Solve puzzle in less than 15 minutes 400 neopoints
Solve puzzle in more than 15 minutes 200 neopoints

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