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Space Faerie

Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:31 am

I just got the space faerie as a challenger, and I was quite sad when I was pretty handliy beaten. My set's not terrible, but it's hardly elite... same with my pet. What would be the minimum strength boost anyone would suggest for beating her?

Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:40 am

Oh, I have her as a challenger and haven't even tried yet! I have heard 200 boost (strength and defence) is good to have with her and alot of hp. I don't have any strategy, as I haven't battled her, but many people I've talked to who have and won have pretty strong pets and either have or can borrow great (read much better than mine) weapons.

Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:48 am

I think the best I've heard of any pet beating her is a 85 boost pet with a lot of hps or a 125 boost pet with equal stats.

However for all those cases you would probably need a freezer, a GC and a strong attacking weapon/bomb to stand a chance. But it's a pretty good chance at that :)

Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:50 am

I tried beating her at just about all the boosts and I finally killed her at the 200 strength boost. I spent several hundred neopoints on healing items, full blockers and one use bombs but all it took in the end was a hypno helmet, two multiuse 10 iconers, honey potion, drainlife and sink. I've come down to this conclusion: It's all luck because sometimes she full heals, and sometimes she doesn't.

After intensive study this is the system I came up with:
1st round: Hypno Helmet, Strong Weapon, Drainlife
2nd round: Honey Potion, Strong Weapon, and Fierce attack
3rd round: 2 strong weapons, and fierce attack
4rd round: 2 strong weapons, and sink if needed, otherwise fierce.

Drainlife is imperitive in the first round because it passes through Jade, which she uses a lot.

When to start over: If she blasts you completely on the first round, or if she heals on the 3rd or 4th round.

Just keep trying over and over again, it took me about 10 or 15 tries to get the attacks right and for her not to use Jade on the 3rd or 4th round. It's really all luck.

Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:34 pm

Thanks everyone. :)

The lab just took away my 85 boost, so it looks like it'll be some time (and lab luck) before I can beat her. I have the weapons, but even if I tried to train my pet up with codestones, my hp is so far out of whack it'd take multi-millions.

Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:37 pm

atomicblonde wrote:Thanks everyone. :)

The lab just took away my 85 boost, so it looks like it'll be some time (and lab luck) before I can beat her. I have the weapons, but even if I tried to train my pet up with codestones, my hp is so far out of whack it'd take multi-millions.

I labbed up to the 200 strength boost. It took forever, but it eventually happened.

Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:56 pm

*sigh* i still need her as a challenger, and I suppose I can beat her with 150 str/def/hp, h4k, wor, hp, sc and some more weapons in my bd set :( I just need the code, if anyone has one they are giving away, please pmail me
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