For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:41 am
Hello members!.
It's about time I get my act together and finally come up with a name for my soon-to-be-pet, but I'm having major difficulties. First of all, I'm extremely picky with my names. The three I had collected were kept private for a long time, and in the process someone else thought of one and took it. So I'm with two names, which only fit two of my future neopets.
I need one for a female neopet, but here's the deal.
All of my neopet names have only four letters. Since I'm following a trend, I don't want to stray from it. I'd like my neopet to have a name that starts with a letter the other names don't. For example, pet2 has a name that starts with an O. Pet3 has a name that starts with an R. I don't want pet1 to have a name that starts with an O or R, because I want it to be unique and different.
I know it's asking for alot, but if you could think up a good name for my future pet I'd be absolutely delighted!. I may even draw you a picture once I get off of hiatus in two weeks to show my thanks to whomever I pick. (:
If you're worried about saying it out in the open and having lurkers snatch it, I really would like it if you would PM the suggestion instead of posting it here.