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TNT getting lazy?

Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:20 pm

So I was looking at this round's caption contest: ... ption=true

A skieth... and a gral... eating food. That rings a bell.

Sure enough, look at CC 616 ... ?place=616

Now examine the skeith. Play the "whats differnt game" between the two skeiths. What will you find. THE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME! Down to the last food stain on the poor skeiths mouth! The cake has changed colors, but is the same shape...
So my question is: do you think they ment to do this to be funny? Or have their artists gotten so lazy they just copied and pasted?

Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:27 pm

:roflol: nice find!

I bet it was down to laziness :P I think they've been fairly busy

Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:43 pm

There's very few differances to begin with, the hasee and chia are in the same spot, doing basiacly the same thing, and theres a grrall(sp?) in both. Lazzieness at its worst. The caption is in no way, shape, or form original. -.-'
Last edited by digitel_anime_fan_20 on Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:13 pm

Well, after 600+ of them, I'd start to get a little lazy, too! ^^;; I'm glad it's here instead of on other portions of the site, though. It's not uncommon for an artist to copy/paste to save time. They do it quite often, but it's usually not too noticeable.

I have several webcomic artist friends, and I'm a bit of an artist myself. The effort involved can be enormous. First of all, the artist has to do a pencil sketch. (Suppose this sketch took 30 minutes to block out and finish.) Then, if they're lucky, they can scan in the pencil art and use a nice digital tablet to ink the lineart (less than an hour). If they're not lucky, they have to ink the drawing by hand, then scan it in. (For this, figure an hour or so depending on whether or not they flub and start over, etc.) Then the artist has to clean up the drawing. (Smooth out lines, erase flubs, etc. Then comes the digital coloring. If they have a tablet, it's usually easier and faster.

A drawing like that, from scratch, might take someone 2.5-3 hours, depending on the hardware available and their experience level. Because there's so much to get done on the site, I can understand a little copy-pasting to save time. I'm also willing to bet that they have digital tablets (*drool*) to cut down on production time.

That said, they ARE seeming a little lazy with new ideas. The image looks like the old one. The idea is essentially the same, and even the composition. THAT'S what seems lazy to me. I don't mind if artists copy-paste, as long as they're doing new things with it.

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:34 pm

I cut n paste in the comics I submit to TNT. But faerie mushrooms don't really change much :oops:

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:36 pm

I do think TNT has been getting a little lazy. I mean, I know they're very busy and all, but I remember when they were talking about Neoschool a year or so ago, and everyone was so excited, and bought supplies for their pet, etc., and here we are a year later and still no Neoschool. D:

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:38 pm

Neoschools was announed YEARS ago let alone last year...

(Is it me or am I getting old?)

whoa! *Double Take*

Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:16 pm

Yer right! Only difference is that the spot have been lightened to match the cake the skeith is eating.

Laziness is one thing since I know they have the desert plot going on, but at least use a different colored skeith!

Re: whoa! *Double Take*

Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:21 pm

PTP wrote:Yer right! Only difference is that the spot have been lightened to match the cake the skeith is eating.

Laziness is one thing since I know they have the desert plot going on, but at least use a different colored skeith!

Or add pupils :roll:


Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:23 pm

True pupils would've been a vast improvement, they could've added something to at least show an attempt to make it different

Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:49 pm

I just entered my caption for this week.

Skeith: Woah, de ja vu!
Grarrl: Just be quite and eat your choco... I mean cake. Cake.

I doubt it will ever see the light of day, but I think it would be funny if something like that ended up being a winner.


Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:00 pm

Yeah I sent in something similar, its just to much to ask from TNT to pretend its not the same idea using the same skeith

Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:51 pm

I sent in around 10 releating to it. Like

Breaking news! Skeith sets record for conseuctive hours eating! Has been at it for 7 caption contests! Reporters wonder where he puts it all!

Hasee: Has that guy even moved sence caption contest 616?
Grall: No. But that just means more food for me.

Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:55 pm

Maybe they did it on purpose, to see who would notice.... ;)

*Ah classic*

Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:08 pm

Quite possibly .. though you think they would've done something a bit more subtle.
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