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Mysterious Valentines Card's, why the jump in price?

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:04 am

A few months back, if I remember correctly, these cards were hovering around 40-50K. Now, they've suddenly jumped up to 150K+. Why the jump in price, with Valentine's Day still over 5 months away? I didn't buy one when they were lower because I thought they'd be rock bottom at this time. :oops:

Should I buy a few now at the lowest prices I can find on the TP and sell them for more on Valentine's Day, or should I wait and hope they drop? o_O

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:09 am

Name : A Mysterious Valentines Card
Weight : 1 lbs.
Rarity : 45
Cost (approx) : 150 NP

:roflol: 150 NP?

Anyway, what exactly do these cards do? I don't understand why they would rise in price while Valentine's Day is still several months away.

EDIT: I just saw that they're supposed to be for sale at the gift shop. Aren't the estimated prices based off of the shop prices? Maybe if you just check out the gift shop a couple of times an hour, you'll be able to find one for that cheap and swipe it before someone else? Then you'll probably be able to sell it for a lot more during Valentine's day. I'm not sure if that'll work though, just an idea.
Last edited by labbiedor on Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:10 am

On Valentine's Day you send it to somebody and both you and the person you went it too will get the Valentine's Day sidebar. Only works on VD though, so that's why I'd thought it go way down. o_O Didn't expect the huge jump.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:13 am

LAQ wrote:On Valentine's Day you send it to somebody and both you and the person you went it too will get the Valentine's Day sidebar. Only works on VD though, so that's why I'd thought it go way down. o_O Didn't expect the huge jump.

Maybe people are prepraring very, very early? o_O

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:19 am

labbiedor wrote:
LAQ wrote:On Valentine's Day you send it to somebody and both you and the person you went it too will get the Valentine's Day sidebar. Only works on VD though, so that's why I'd thought it go way down. o_O Didn't expect the huge jump.

Maybe people are prepraring very, very early? o_O

That's what's confusing me too. o_O

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:25 am

That's odd...I'm trying to look it up on the Trading Post but it says it couldn't find any lots. I doubt everybody is keeping them.

It's "A Mysterious Valentines Day Card", right?

Edit: Nevermind, I got it. Whoa. I don't think I would pay 200k for a sidebar. :O

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:37 am

The price jumped to unbuyable soon after somebody posted here that it was buyable. I bought two for 40K. Stashed one and priced the other at 99,999NP. By the end of the hour mine and all others were sold. Well, at least it payed for itself!

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:52 am

Grr, missed it, and I absolutely refuse to pay that much for a sidebar. Maybe someone will be nice and send one to me on Valentine's Day (sender and receiver both get the sidebar, correct?).

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:55 am

Cranberry wrote:Grr, missed it, and I absolutely refuse to pay that much for a sidebar. Maybe someone will be nice and send one to me on Valentine's Day (sender and receiver both get the sidebar, correct?).

Yes, that is correct. You both get the sidebar.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:15 am

Heck, isn't that about what they were going for ON Valentine's Day last year?

I wouldn't pay 50k for a pink sidebar, let alone 200k. I am sorry to have missed the opportunity to make money off inflation, though. :-)

Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:35 am

A. Mysterious Valentines Cards do NOT stock in shops. They only stock on Valentine's day, and stock about 200 at a time. All are gone within the second.

B. You'd be lucky to get them for 200k around Valentine's Day. I sold something like 8 for up to 700k a piece.

C. Nobody even knows if they will work again NEXT V-day.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:36 am

labbiedor wrote:EDIT: I just saw that they're supposed to be for sale at the gift shop. Aren't the estimated prices based off of the shop prices? Maybe if you just check out the gift shop a couple of times an hour, you'll be able to find one for that cheap and swipe it before someone else? Then you'll probably be able to sell it for a lot more during Valentine's day. I'm not sure if that'll work though, just an idea.

I'm a gift shop restocker (lame i know) but I have never seen a Mysterious Valentines Card stock, and they should stock often seeing they're r40. I've seen r99 items stock, but never a Valentines Card. I don't see any reason why they aren't stocked in shops, but whatever. I have two Valentines Cards in my to use and another to sell if prices inflate on V-Day.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:40 am

They do stock at the igloo garage sale though. I've managed to get at least one.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:09 am

Huggles wrote:They do stock at the igloo garage sale though. I've managed to get at least one.

Yes, that's where I snagged the one I'm saving for V-Day for a grand total of 86np. :)

Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:47 pm

=S So they only stock on Valentine's Day? I guess I'll scrape up enough money for two cards, see if I can make a profit. :)
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