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Petpet Matchup Center

Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:43 pm

Hm. Wonder what happened to the last one.
No matter. Here's the place where you can post your pet (or petpet) and have otehrs help match it up with a nice combo of pets/petpets/petpetpets.

Just post a picture of what you want matched up and the matches will come~
Last edited by ScottNak on Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:21 pm

Happy happy joy joy. (The old one was locked last night, but left sticky & not replaced.)

Anyway, on the last thread, skizzy wrote:i really like the idea of a fire petpet with a marshmallow grundo.

you could name it Campfire.

Likewise, a flaming wuzzle, same name.


Actually, we now have Fire pets, a few Chocolate pets, and a Marshmallow pet. All we need is a Graham Cracker pet, and someone can own a s'mores team.

Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:18 pm

hiddenneggs wrote:Actually, we now have Fire pets, a few Chocolate pets, and a Marshmallow pet. All we need is a Graham Cracker pet, and someone can own a s'mores team.


Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:24 am


I posted this I think on the last board i think, which started something weird about what colors were lab-only colors you couldn't get from the fountain faerie quests. However, I might actually spend millions upon millions of NPs on Draik Trans Potions to finally get my Ice Draik from the lab. Whatever. Anyone want to find me matches?

Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:29 am

Don't have time to grab the image at the moment, but when I first got my Ice Bori (back when the Bori was the only Ice pet) I had a Dribblet on it -- the animated tongue. I named it "Stuck On You."

Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:44 am

Haha... thats funny hiddenneggs.
^finally got my apple chia today :D any suggestions? I'm thinking of a Taweret... i like the fruit/tree combo but I already have one on my pineapple chia... i may just paint the pineapple's taweret yellow and then keep the taweret for the apple an original one. Suggestions for petpetpets also?

Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:56 am

here's a link to the last thread. ... sc&start=0

succubusxo, i don't know if you saw the last page of the last thread, but i did some matching for you. ;)

Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:08 am

ahh... thanks skizzy. :) i missed that... i like the gwala and the tasu. If anyone else has any suggestions, feel free to post them. :)

Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:47 am

[img]<img border= "0" src=""></a>[/img]

Yea yea I know, someone else did it but I couldn't resist, this is also my first petpet match, the color was changed some when I saved(I use regular paint shop so it changes it a little) I love the halloween symol with it, also if your a fan of rocks the green rock looks pretty good. And I just think the spardel is cute with it for those who think it's to dark. I think a good petpetpet would be a mootix. Let me get the prices for the pets, hang on


Christmas Doglefox- 20k SW(Cheaper to just buy it painted)

Mallard- 2.5k SW

Halloween Symol- 500k-520k Painting(none on tp)

Green bearog- 36k-80k SW/Painting (I saw 40k on shop wiz mostly 80k's, about 5.6k for a bearog and 31k for a green ppb)

green raindorf- 99k painting(68k for raindorf, 31k for green ppb)

green rock- 95k painting(64k for a rock, 31k for green ppb)

green spardel- 50k painting/tp (19k for spardel 31k for green ppb,)

maraquan anubis- 110k-140k tp/painting(anubis is about 10k, maraquan ppb is 103k)

Good luck finding a petpet

Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:03 am

I know it's been done before, but would someone mind doing a few matches for a Ice Chomby? Cheap is good, but anything reasonably buyable is fine (let's stay in the 150k or less range please :D). Thanks.

Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:16 am

Woww... thanks deadlypker... :) I really appreciate the effort you made copying and pasteing the pictures of the petpets. :) I probably will get a Mootix... for the av. :)
None of the petpets have really jumped at me as being a good match for the apple chia except for the Taweret but I already have a taweret on my Pineapple Chia and I dont want to duplicate petpets. :P What do ya'll think about either the green kookith or the green noil? I RSed a Kookith and 2 Noils today... I may just paint one of them green and attach it for simplicitys sake so I don't have to really decide on a petpet. :P I think the green Kookith may be a bit too bright for the Apple and the Mootix but Kookiths are just so adorable. Does anyone know of any worm like petpets? I think that might be a cute combo... a worm and an apple. :)

Hiddenneggs... wouldn't labbing a draik be a bit risky? I would be afraid that the draik would turn into another species instead of turning into another color. :-\ I think a fire petpet would be cute for an ice pet though. :)
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
I personally like the snicklebeast, dragoyle, faellie, gallion, and niptor the best.

Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:33 am

succubusxo wrote:Hiddenneggs... wouldn't labbing a draik be a bit risky? I would be afraid that the draik would turn into another species instead of turning into another color.

So would I -- but anchororange, the one who was talking about doing so, also spoke of spending huge amounts of NP on potions so that whenever the lab changed it to some other species, it could be changed back to a Draik.

My Draik isn't getting near a lab.

Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:45 am

I was just bored so I looked up the chances of a color change getting me an Ice Draik. There are 30 different Draik colors that are attainable from the lab (not including Royal, Plushie, etc.). So, if we subtract the actual color, the chance of getting an ice draik is one out of 29, or 3.45%. Which is pretty darn low :(

I think I'm going to go bother TNT and make them put Ice on the FFQ list. I want Ice really, really, really bad...It'd probably be the only Ice Draik in Neopia...Heheheh. Oh yes, and thanks for the matches - I like the Dragoyle and the Niptor the best, but I think I would want a more ice-ish petpet for it.

Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:48 am

hiddenneggs wrote:
succubusxo wrote:Hiddenneggs... wouldn't labbing a draik be a bit risky? I would be afraid that the draik would turn into another species instead of turning into another color.

So would I -- but anchororange, the one who was talking about doing so, also spoke of spending huge amounts of NP on potions so that whenever the lab changed it to some other species, it could be changed back to a Draik.

My Draik isn't getting near a lab.

oops... i was looking at the wrong username... xD Sorry about that!

I can't really find any ice-ish petpets... only snow/xmas petpets... if you would like i could find some matches for you for those. :)

Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:56 am

Well, the iciest petpet (despite its name) is the Snowickle. And it's also in the draconic-critter category, so it'd fit an Ice Drake well.

succubusxo -- no prob.
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