I have...
Armada CHAMPION!!!
Second place at Snow Wars!!
Picture Competition 3xCHAMPION!!!
Poetry Competition CHAMPION!!!
Second place at
Mystery Pic!!
Third place at Go! Go! Go!!!
Cheat! CHAMPION!!!
Kacheekers CHAMPION!!!
Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!
Third place at Cellblock!!
Third place at NeoQuest II!!
So, that's 12 game related ones, and I have...
Meridell Squire (12 points)
Man-At-Arms (91 points)
Expeditionist (60 points)
Supplier (71 points) Support (Rank 3)
Defender of Neopia (Mission 3)
5 plot/battle related ones...
2 Beauty contest trophies, and 1 PPL trophy. So, that's 3.
So, in total, I have 20 trohpies! Or 22 counting the 3x Art Gallery thing.
But I cheated, because I counted BD ones.
Last edited by
pattypus on Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.