I have a BD idea, if you like it i might submit it to neopets
My idea involves PetPets and maybe even Petpetpets.
They should make petpets gain abilitys every 5 or 10 levels, certain abilitys that can be used in petpet battles and in the battledome, let me explain how they would be used in the Battledome:
they should make an default ability called 'Call PetPet' so when you use it, your petpet appears next turn, you can select one of your petpet abilitys to use in place of your normal ones (like Feirce attack, defend, etc etc)
Some examples of Petpet abilitys would be:
Head Shot (Default)
Body Shot (Default)
Petpetpet throw (Default if you have a petpetpet equipped)
Petpet Bounce (Level 5)
Petpet Screech (level 10)
Petpet Cannon ball (Level 15)
and at level 20 an ability unique to certain kinds of petpets (Like Bark for Anubis and Warf or Halo toss for angelpuss)
If you like my idea post