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Gallery HTML question

Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:05 pm

howdy, just a quick Question, i'm starting up a gallery and I've got my background thats black, i'm just wondering if theres anyway to change the colour of the item names in the gallery, i'm looking through the HTML guide on neo and everything i'm trying isn't working, I've got the black background but i'm wanting white text, i've tried these so far:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </body>

But nothings worked >>

Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:07 pm

body{background-color: #000000;}
a{border:0px; font-weight:strong; color:#ffffff;}
a:hover{font-weight:strong; color:#ffffff;}
b{font-weight:strong; color:#ffffff;}

That should do the trick, just shove it before your html and/or description and the text will all be white with the background black :) You can also use the tags font-family: and font-size: to specify the font and font size you want. The font-weight:strong's that I have up there I did I think to alleviate any problems that might be had by having links in the description (ie to different categories of your gallery) but I can't quite remember. It doesn't make a difference to leave it in though.

You can change what's in "a" to specify link colours and "a:hover" to specify what colour links are when you hold the mouse over them.

You can also use

to get rid of the black line around the item boxes but with a black bg you don't really need that. Hope that helps, it should all work okay as I tested it on my own gallery :)

Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:19 pm

YEY just tried it and it worked, Thanks a lot ^^
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