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Neopets Premium / New Window Question in Netscape.

Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:33 am

I've got a silly question ... that is half Neopets related ... and half just web browser related.

I now have the Premium functionality of Neopets. I am really enjoying the portal page.

My question, though, is this: I use Netscape (7.2) as a browser. On the portal page, there is a preference where you can choose whether or not when you click a link ... it will open in a new window or not.

I can't stand having new windows pop up all the time when I click links ... so I chose to have them open in the same tab/window. So when I click on links in the portal page ... they do indeed open in the same tab/window.

My problem (bear with me ... sorry this is long winded) ... is when I am on the Neopets side of things ... and I click on the "portal" link on the top there (right next to my neopoints) ... it opens the portal in a new window ... not in the same tab/window.

The absolulely crazy thing, though ... is if I am on a second different computer I have ... the link does indeed just openin the same window.

Obviously, this is just some setting I have set differently in my 2 different Web Browsers (again, both are Netscape 7.2) ... but I can't seem to find what the difference might be.

Anyone else ever have a problem like this?

P.S. Further information is this: In the source code ... the portal link from neopets looks like this ...

<a href="" target="_blank" class="tl">Portal</a></td>

I don't know HTML that well ... but isn't that saying to open the link in a new window? How am I somehow forcing netscape not to open it into a new window on the second computer?

Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:22 am

Make this easy on yourself and use Internet Explorer or FireFox. It’s a lot simpler than trying to figure out which little thing went wrong.

Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:30 am

JellySoup wrote:Make this easy on yourself and use Internet Explorer or FireFox. It’s a lot simpler than trying to figure out which little thing went wrong.

Gah! NOT INTERNET EXPLORER! (It's ebil. With a b.) If you don't want FireFox, use Maxthon.

But yes, target="_blank" means for it to open in a new window. Undoubtedly there's a setting somewhere, but I don't use Netscape, so I couldn't tell you.

Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:55 am

It seems like all browsers have a problem with Neopets. Internet Explorer goes slowly, FireFox buggs out now and again, SBCYahoo!Browser works when it wants too.

Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:59 am

JellySoup wrote:Make this easy on yourself and use Internet Explorer or FireFox. It’s a lot simpler than trying to figure out which little thing went wrong.

I actually did try Firefox as well. It was doing the same thing.

I won't use IE, though. bleh! :)

cat1205123 wrote:But yes, target="_blank" means for it to open in a new window. Undoubtedly there's a setting somewhere, but I don't use Netscape, so I couldn't tell you.

I guess that just means that new windows annoyed me enough times on my older desktop computer that I set some setting somewhere to make it stop.

I brought my laptop right next to my desktop ... and looking at setting after setting on them ... and I couldn't find anything different.

Well, it seems that the _blank just needs to go away ... if the setting on the portal side of things is to open links in the same window. Hopefully Neopets Premium people will fix this at some point. I've sent them a bug report ... I'll let you know what they say.

Thanks for your thoughts!

If there are any Netscape saavy people who know what I could have possibly done to stop new windows from opening, let me know. :)
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