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Random Contest: Balloonvaganza!

Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:30 am

Info and Rules:
This week's contest is ripped straight from the New Features headlines. *dramatic music*

It's time to take all those leftover balloons you have lying around your house from your great grandpappy's 400th birthday party and turn them into a beautiful Neopets balloon animal. Fancy!

Bend, shape and otherwise flex your balloons into your favorite Neopets species, Petpet, Faerie, Villain, or anything Neopets related, then capture the magic of your art on digital film for all of us to enjoy. Yes, magic art. Huzzah.

We've never judged a contest with balloon animals in it before, but we're going to pretend we know everything about it and are laying down some ground rules just in case things go haywire. Those balloon animals can be deadly when not properly wrangled.

1) You MUST use 3 or more balloons for this project. No single balloon Neggs or anything lazy like that, ya darn whippersnappers.

2) The main body of your entry MUST be made out of balloons. It's fine to add accessories after the fact (like a bandage on a Kiko or a cape on a villain) but if the main portion of your entry isn't made of balloons, you shall be fired out of a cannon into the sun... or maybe your entry will just be disqualified.

Eleventy) Please make sure your pictures are as large and as detailed as possible! Many, many people have been disquailfied from past contests because we couldn't make out what was on the 100 x 100 photo we got. You have 600 x 600 pixels available to you, so use them to your advantage.

Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:14 am

Oh boy oh boy oh boy :D I have a mild obsession with balloon twisting, but all my stuff is at my dad's house, as I said in the news thread... so I gotta stop by a craft store and get some for this, I can't resist. I'll probably end up making extra things after the contest is over though.
It should be interesting when they post the winners :) Unlike the last contest, I don't know why they even bothered posting names if they weren't going to show what they put... anyone have an idea what the "random keyword" was? :roll:

Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:27 am

Weird. I still haven't gotten my prize or avatar from the second last random contest. As far as I could tell, neither did anyone else. :(

I'm pretty hopeless at balloon making so I'll sit this one out. :P

Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:43 am

The got caught up this afternoon. I am SO disappointed that they didn't show what the entries were for the LAST RC.

Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Diorama-Rama! contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, 5,000 Neopoints, and a The Grundo Pirate!


Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Blogeriffic contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!


I am so lucky my BF is a professional balloon animal maker who has been dying to teach me.


Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:03 am

stampsyne wrote:I am so lucky my BF is a professional balloon animal maker who has been dying to teach me.


That is a really nice entry. <3

but at first I thought the ears was the face so I thought the tail...
nevermind. xD

Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:39 pm

Nice pics. I would love to make those kind of animals.

Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:09 pm

Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Blogeriffic contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!

YAY! Maybe this will get me a trophy upgrade!


Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:47 am

Cleo_Lo wrote:
Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Blogeriffic contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!

YAY! Maybe this will get me a trophy upgrade!


lol. That made me laugh. :P
It's cute!
I think you'll get that upgraded trophy that you want. ;)

Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:20 am

Ack, I didn't see the "you must use 3 or more balloons" rule until I already submitted... Dangit, I hope they don't enforce that too much. I give you... A ONE-WINGED UNI!
:D The horn in reality is actually over a foot long XD I was gonna give it 2 wings but couldn't figure out how, so all the leftover balloon just turned into a REEEEEEEEALLY long horn lol. Cropping saved meh. Had to MSPaint my hands out of the picture, hope they don't mind. Darn thing just wouldn't stay up though. *Ramble ramble ramble* *Shuts up* :X

Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:15 pm

metalmario wrote:Ack, I didn't see the "you must use 3 or more balloons" rule until I already submitted... Dangit, I hope they don't enforce that too much. I give you... A ONE-WINGED UNI!
:D The horn in reality is actually over a foot long XD I was gonna give it 2 wings but couldn't figure out how, so all the leftover balloon just turned into a REEEEEEEEALLY long horn lol. Cropping saved meh. Had to MSPaint my hands out of the picture, hope they don't mind. Darn thing just wouldn't stay up though. *Ramble ramble ramble* *Shuts up* :X

Well, it looks like it could be three balloons, so you may be okay. ^^

Very nice btw! Hopefully your entry will be excepted. Poor Uni though...

Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:38 pm

Yeah I worried about that Blumaroo at first too XD *slaps own face* It's really cute though :)

Mario you probably are fine, and your Uni is cool :D I'm sure they just don't want a single round balloon with a face drawn on and a wig glued on, that sort of rubbish.

My original idea of a hundred Meepits closing in on my cardboard Number Six didn't turn out, so I opted for this instead:
Her shirt is clear purple, but it photographed almost black :-/ I'm going to pop it today since one of her arms shrivelled and one of her shoes blew off XD

Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:14 am

stampsyne wrote:I am so lucky my BF is a professional balloon animal maker who has been dying to teach me.

That literally made me laugh out loud.

And, like others, I was confused at first by how... er, 'appropriate' that balloon Neopet of yours was. Then I realized, "Oh, those are his ears and that's his tail..."

Eheh... :-)
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