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Oh, noes, ghosts. ;o

Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:18 pm

I saw a post in a Neopets LJ community about "ghost neofriends" and how annoying they are. So I logged in for the first time in about a week, and make a board saying:


With the message: "Something has happened!
A Ghost takes 150 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!"

A minute later I have 10 NeoFriend requests, all from new members with "ghost" and "NeoFriend" in their usernames. Five minutes later, I have 30 or so.

._. Why are these people doing this? ._.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:37 pm

Because they're humans, and we, obviously, are not?

I decided long ago (about five minutes ago) that we're not really humans- after all, it's a bit silly to say, "I've lost my faith in humanity, call 123-456-7890 if found." when you're a human, because that's like saying, "Oh, woe, look at me, I've lost faith in myself, let me die now! Waaah!", sorta. Well, not really, but I just like to make weird comparisons.

Or, of course, it could just be because they're stupid (a stupid sub-species of human... Ow! You don't have to whack me! I'll be good! Maybe they're Martians...). Or new to Neopets. Or they could be robots.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:16 pm

...Alex wrote:Because they're humans, and we, obviously, are not?

I decided long ago (about five minutes ago) that we're not really humans- after all, it's a bit silly to say, "I've lost my faith in humanity, call 123-456-7890 if found." when you're a human, because that's like saying, "Oh, woe, look at me, I've lost faith in myself, let me die now! Waaah!", sorta. Well, not really, but I just like to make weird comparisons.

Or, of course, it could just be because they're stupid (a stupid sub-species of human... Ow! You don't have to whack me! I'll be good! Maybe they're Martians...). Or new to Neopets. Or they could be robots.


Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:29 pm

*is confused* o_O

I've had frozen neofriends were they replce the name with frozen account, but not anyhting like what you're saying.

I remove any frozen accounts from my friends list as soon as I notice it. It's just a waste of space as far as I'm concerned.

But then again my main account doesn't accept neofriends.

Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:30 am


*also happened to rave about the ghosts in the neo lj community I joined*

>>; People are really guillible. The ghost thing started off as a prank done by some user cause they were bored, and then suddenly accumulated to this huge mess cause like, everyone wants to be cool you know.

*amused more than anything else*

Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:37 am

Nah... This is just a stupid prank on the Neoboards. People are putting disgusting and scary pictures on their userlookups. They then go to the boards and ask people to rate their user lookups or go have a look. People see it and get scared. More people see it..etc

Soon it became like a widespread disease. :/

-Pictures Were Just Lousy Photoshop Edited Stuff. Not Worthy-
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