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News on the 13th June

Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:56 pm

13th June - Quiggle Day!

* Quiggles can be painted Fire and Electric at the Rainbow Pool.

* You can now unlock the Quiggle War Lord as a Battledome challenger :)

* There is a new Desktop Background featuring the Quiggle Scout that you may recognise from the TCG card of the same name.

* Four new Shopkeepers have been released, each featuring different Quiggles.

* The Toy Shop has some rather unusual Quiggle Plushies on sale including the much sought-after Royal Quiggles.

* We have a new game called Corwin's Quest, based on a new television show on Animal Planet. As well as playing Corwin's Quest, you can also earn Neopoints by playing different 'watch and win' games each week.

* Quiggle Day wouldn't be the same without a snazzy new avatar now would it?

* Don't let your shop or gallery be left out, add this new Quiggle themed Blog.

* The Quiggle Runner seems to have got himself into a spot of bother in the latest Caption Contest image...

* If you own a Quiggle, make sure you take them to see Captain Threelegs today so they can take advantage of all the lovely free training!

* The Art Gallery has pages and pages of Quiggle themed pictures for you to enjoy.

* A new Story Telling Competition competition has begun.

Shorden winced, rubbing his nose where the door had slammed into it. Today was not going well. It seemed everyone in Neopia wanted a cute, fluffy Petpet, like an Angelpuss or Doglefox; no one seemed interested in owning a Rock.

* There are four new Buddy Icons for you to choose from, each featuring a Quiggle :)

* Congratulations Quiggler4268! Your rather colourful self has just won the latest Pet Spotlight award.

* The Book Shop has four new Quiggle themed tomes for your Neopet to read...

Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:23 pm

Ooo, I like the fire quiggle.

But then again, I like all fire pets. :roll:

Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:25 pm

Eh pretty boring colors for Quiggle day. Then again, I guess a Darigan Quiggle or something like that would be out of the question. O__O

Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:26 pm

*shudder* Quiggles everywhere...

Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:21 am

Probably only a plushie collector would notice, but there are now two baby quiggle plushies out there. Do a search and two of them show up--looking exactly alike and with the same rarity. Only the first one was released ages ago.

Great! You would think before TNT released a new item that they would do a search to see if one hadn't already been released with the same name. I mean, how hard is it to check Neoitems, for gosh darned sake?

Same thing happened recently with the kyruggi plushie (one sells for 400, one sells for 100K plus) and with chocolate cherry cheesecake (one is unbuyable and the other one was a cork gun game giveaway that went for about 100 nps until TNT finally had the sense to change the name to something else).

Just the fuel to ignite a scam-artist who "accidentally" misprices the cheaper version. And someone buys it thinking they got a real deal. When actually they got burned.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:40 am

i think that would be something only a plushie collector, or baby or quiggle collector would notice.. and thats not a good thing, i hope they notice it soon, i'm going to send in a bug report, but since its a monday, hopefully someone will change it soon.. i guess that with the war, everyones brains are kinda fried, they generally are a little slacker after and during a war with this kinda stuff.

so how can you tell the items apart then? do they have like an item code or something? *is clueless*

Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:52 am

autechre wrote:so how can you tell the items apart then? do they have like an item code or something? *is clueless*

Actually they do in the database (for example when you get a Ice Caves scratchcard, the page displays the item number like 8903 for a Race to Riches) This also how items are sorted out in a shop, the more recent number is at the bottom). However, it doesn't work when you do a text search (such as the sidebar search or the shop wizard)

Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:05 am

ah i see now, thanks :) now i think about it, it was a kinda stupid question, this pricing thing reminds me of the lab map, should have remembered that. thanks though
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