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File must be a JPG or GIF type image (random contest help)

Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:29 am

I'm getting this when i send in my pic:

ERROR : File must be a JPG or GIF type image. (ie. have the '.jpg' or '.gif' extension at the end of the file name in LOWERCASE letters). You submitted filetype: image/pjpeg

It is a .jpg, and no caps either. What's going on? :(

Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:45 am

That happened to me for the negg contest. It didn't accept the entry no matter what I did.

Re: File must be a JPG or GIF type image (random contest hel

Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:34 pm

Scream wrote:I'm getting this when i send in my pic:

ERROR : File must be a JPG or GIF type image. (ie. have the '.jpg' or '.gif' extension at the end of the file name in LOWERCASE letters). You submitted filetype: image/pjpeg

It is a .jpg, and no caps either. What's going on? :(

I had this problem with the paint brush contest, just save it as a gif and it'll go through.
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