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What's the rule regarding training level and hp...?

Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:35 pm

Like how high you can train your HP at the training school before you need to bump up another level? I always heard it was "level x 2 + 5" but I have 5 over that "limit" and it's still letting me train. Not complaining, just wondering though. :)

Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:54 pm

I belive it was Level times 3 was the limit for how high you could train your HP before you would have to increase your level again.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:34 pm

You can train hitpoints up to 3 times your current level BUT
if your hitpoints are 3 times your current level you CANNOT train stregth or defence until your hitpoints are only two times your current level :)

Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:14 pm

sirclucky wrote:You can train hitpoints up to 3 times your current level BUT
if your hitpoints are 3 times your current level you CANNOT train stregth or defence until your hitpoints are only two times your current level :)
Absolutely correct.
It's a weird system. If you lab you often won't need/be able to use the school (I think :S )
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