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Swarm II High Score Warning

Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:20 pm

Obviously, they haven't quite figured out the highest possible score, as I got a little over 4800, fair and square, and it was marked for staff review. So, don't go for a high score yet, or you might be in the same position. Just end your game when you get a little over 1k points, so you can get your 1k NP. Trust me, you don't want to get your account frozen when you didn't even cheat. Oh, and to anyone that reads this, wish me luck, as I have put way too much time into this username for it to be frozen.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:39 pm

Not to worry, this is norm for exceptionally high score.

In fact I score a little over 5000 - hopefully I can get a trophy while the competition is still not so intense 8)

Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:53 pm

Yeah, but when I submitted my score, it was marked for staff review, so what I'm saying is to wait, because if you submit the over 5k score now, it will be marked as well, and we all know that sometimes the TNT likes to freeze first and ask questions later.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:17 pm

I'm sure that when they see the large number of 5k+ scores on the game, they won't freeze anyone who achieves a score that is reasonably above that limit.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:31 pm

Yeah, I just got my 1k np, so I'm feeling a little better. Oh, and great sig Shapu, I love the stooges.

Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:29 am

BTW if u wanna aim for a trophy, u have to score at least 9822. Check out the score here. ... 2&limit=30

Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:49 am

The high scores on all of the games are reviewed. :) It's okay. They do that to try to prevent cheaters getting their name up top. ;) Usually your score just gets reviewed and posted up later or the next day and all is good. :)

Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:43 pm

To quote myself :P

Phlameseeker wrote:I'm guessing you've got to keep killing the boss thing (the one that flies at the top of the screen) otherwise you can't get all the points. It's limited rounds, so you have to get more than just the ones for killing the basic enemies. My plan (if I had the patience) would be to kill all of the enemies except one (preferrable one higher up the field) and then focus on killing the boss everytime it flies over for each round. Don't know if they stop after a while or what. But its worth a try :)
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