For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Wed May 18, 2005 8:44 am

Hissies can be painted Orange or Purple with the aid of the right paintbrush.


The Recruitment Office for the Curse of Maraqua battle is now closed. If you have not decided which side you wish to go with, you will not be able to take part. Sorry, but we did warn you :)

This week's Petpet Spotlight award has been given to a Magaral called Eddie. Congratulations!

There is a new Sewage Surfer avatar for you to unlock.


Frothycappucino should be rather proud of their shop devoted to all things Maraquan. It has just earned them a shiny Gallery Spotlight trophy.

If your Neopet is interested in arts and crafts, they may want to get hold of one of these new Books.


Well done Hael_90. You have just won this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award with your level - Doom Labyrinth.

We have a new Background featuring King Kelpbeard and Garin.


There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the The Battle Faerie Collectable Card. 498 people guessed the correct answer, earning 4,017 NP each.

We have the results of the vote for the new species, but we will not be releasing the winners until after the Curse of Maraqua storyline has ended. In the meantime three of the less popular potential Neopets are now available for you to own as Petpets.


It appears that some Neopets are getting in some last minute practice for the upcoming war in this week's Caption Contest.


Sunshine_1470 has won the latest User Lookup of the Week with their Slorg themed lookup.

ooh new petpets...

Wed May 18, 2005 8:48 am

Hm, I kind of like the Orange Hissi. It looks like a real snake, kinda. And the purple one... well, I'm going to have to get a better look at that one, I couldn't really tell from the angle it was at what I thought of it.

The background, I think, is horrible. To me it looks too squished together, or something. >_<

The Petpets are cute, of course. =3

Wed May 18, 2005 8:49 am

My guess, they'll release the war news later today. Often they do that (give ninor news early, test everything one last time then release the big stuff)

Wed May 18, 2005 8:58 am

I really hope so, the_dog_god. I thought for sure the war would start with the release of Wednesday's news.

Oh well. I'm going to keep telling myself that the longer they take, the more smoothly this war will run. I certainly don't want another war like the last one, with people cheating, the rest of us poisoned and unable or unwilling to pay thousands for cures, terrible lag, and Neo claiming they'd released challengers when they weren't actually active, making us wait an extra day while they worked out the bugs.

Wed May 18, 2005 9:19 am


We have the results of the vote for the new species, but we will not be releasing the winners until after the Curse of Maraqua storyline has ended. In the meantime three of the less popular potential Neopets are now available for you to own as Petpets.

Wed May 18, 2005 9:31 am

its so frustrating..when is the war going to start :cry:

Wed May 18, 2005 9:32 am

Well definitely this week.
But my pet is itching to start fighting and earn me one of those beautiful trophies. :P

The Recruitment Office for the Curse of Maraqua battle is now closed. If you have not decided which side you wish to go with, you will not be able to take part. Sorry, but we did warn you

Thank that is going to cause disappointment and crying on the HC? :battar:

Wed May 18, 2005 9:48 am

In the meantime three of the less popular potential Neopets are now available for you to own as Petpets.

:roflol: That gave me a good laugh.

If nobody wanted them as pets what makes TNT think anybody wants them as petpets?

Why not make the potential pets that were popular (but didn't win the contest) into petpets?

Then again, it could be that TNT has decide to chose more than one of the most popular potential pets and turn them all into new Neopets. That would cool.

Wed May 18, 2005 9:53 am

I'm thinking they meant the three pets that were behind the most popular Neopet? o_O

Wed May 18, 2005 10:02 am

Xerophyte wrote:I'm thinking they meant the three pets that were behind the most popular Neopet? o_O


I doubt many people voted for that thing.

Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 am


And I bet a decent amount of people must have voted for that thing. :P

Wed May 18, 2005 10:43 am

Xerophyte wrote:Image

And I bet a decent amount of people must have voted for that thing. :P

I voted for that! I was disappointed that it was turned into a petpet and not a neopet, but then at least I can have it as a petpet , it's better than having it be nothing. :)

Wed May 18, 2005 10:50 am

Crimsonmon wrote:
Xerophyte wrote:I'm thinking they meant the three pets that were behind the most popular Neopet? o_O


I doubt many people voted for that thing.

Umm, I was quite tempted to vote for it, actually. It's pretty cute.

No prizes for guessing whether the llama is one of the winners or not... :roll:

Wed May 18, 2005 12:25 pm

Haha, I think they should make Neopet April Fools Year 6 Poster things, with all of them on it. Or collectable cards for it or something >.<

Or stamps!

Wed May 18, 2005 12:45 pm

Qanda wrote:
Crimsonmon wrote:
Xerophyte wrote:I'm thinking they meant the three pets that were behind the most popular Neopet? o_O


I doubt many people voted for that thing.

Umm, I was quite tempted to vote for it, actually. It's pretty cute.

No prizes for guessing whether the llama is one of the winners or not... :roll:

I voted the llama! I llove the llama :)
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