For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:12 am
I can almost bet a left sidebar ads are coming. Because I just noticed that the main shop map seems moved or smaller and there is a lot of white around on the left side. And also I checked an I think the images have been updated today to make them a hair smaller so that they can start making left side ads.
Anyway, all I have to say is NEVER NEVER NEVER click on an ad on neopets. No matter where it is, no matter how flashy or pretty it is, NEVER click it. I don't, because I feel it just encourages them to make more. I mean, first we have little ads, then they get bigger..and BIGGER..and FLASHIER..AND NOISEIER..take a matter how many you make..I AM NOT CLICKING!!!
You really should change your name to key hole pets..because neopia is getting smaller every day!!!
Tue May 17, 2005 12:17 am
Does anyone have screenshots from today and at least a week before today? It appears smaller to me, too, but I want to be sure.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:23 am
I mean..there just so happens to be a good "side ad" sized bit of white on the sides now. And I just noticed it, and the maps seem if this doesn't point to new side ads, I don't know what does!
Tue May 17, 2005 12:27 am
*trembles* Smudge, your right! Geez, if that's so I may just think about packing up my bags in the Neopian world. I'm hardly on Neopets anymore, just checking in daily to do a quck lab zap and see what's going on...but...rgggh!
And if you real close, the "ad sized space" is a brighter shade of white than the background...definetley reserved for something.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:29 am
I swear to Neo, if they add anymore ads to that dang flippin site, im out of there. And im sure a lot of people are with me. Like the person above me ^^ lol.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:32 am
Dustin wrote:I swear to Neo, if they add anymore ads to that dang flippin site, im out of there. And im sure a lot of people are with me. Like the person above me ^^ lol.
Hooray for AdBlock.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:35 am
Get a grip people o.o You're all flipping out over an artist's error.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:36 am
Yeah, if they add those, I'm just Ad-Blocking them. I seriously couldn't play the site if I didn't use Firefox. Whenever I go onto my second account using IE, I get tons of Active-X warnings, slow-loading pages, and some pages that won't even load because of the bottom ads.
There are already four things being ad-blocked on almost every page I visit (top banners, bottom ads, side button ads, and something else -- another part of an existing ad, I guess), and I can't believe they might add MORE.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:49 am
I definately do not think this is an artist's error. Those maps were made smaller on purpose. They have been updated today, and made smaller for a reason, and that reason is to do something with that large white chunk of space...
Tue May 17, 2005 12:53 am
I agree, I don't think it's an artist error. There is definetley a difference between the spaces on the shop and explore page versus other pages. I wish I had a screenshot of the earlier shop page, but unfortunetley I don't.
Oh and smudge, I love your new set.

Definetely appropriate.
Tue May 17, 2005 12:57 am
Sorry, then I must have mistook this topic. I still don't get what you mean. Can someone please explain what all of this pandemonium is about?
Old map ->
New map ->
Tue May 17, 2005 1:03 am
Well maybe it isn't the actual map that was made smaller. But something was made smaller or something was moved. Because there is now a good sized chunk of white area off to the side where there wasn't one before. And it seems just to be the perfect size to put a side banner...
Tue May 17, 2005 2:23 am
smudgeoffudge wrote:Anyway, all I have to say is NEVER NEVER NEVER click on an ad on neopets. No matter where it is, no matter how flashy or pretty it is, NEVER click it. I don't, because I feel it just encourages them to make more. I mean, first we have little ads, then they get bigger..and BIGGER..and FLASHIER..AND NOISEIER..take a matter how many you make..I AM NOT CLICKING!!!
This isn't really necessary, the point of the ads are NOT to irritate the players (no matter how much it seems so

) They are to fund the site. I've seen this same reaction to a message board I used to frequent, they had *gasp* one banner ad at the top of the page. Nobody bothered to click it, and the webmaster ended up not being able to afford the site, so we had to switch to an EZboard. That really, really sucked. Now we had a good 5 banner ads per page, plus popups. We eventually moved back to the old site, but we learned our lesson. I click at least once a week now

[/anecdote] Not clicking will not just "encourage" them to get rid of them, they will just add more, under the logic that "x number of ads isn't enough, more will increase the chance of someone clicking something they find interesting."
ANYWAY. I still don't see a difference between the two maps. o.o?
Tue May 17, 2005 2:34 am
smudgeoffudge wrote:Well maybe it isn't the actual map that was made smaller. But something was made smaller or something was moved. Because there is now a good sized chunk of white area off to the side where there wasn't one before. And it seems just to be the perfect size to put a side banner...
Perhaps they added a <center> code? Thats what it looks like to me...
Tue May 17, 2005 3:01 am
Cranberry wrote:Yeah, if they add those, I'm just Ad-Blocking them. I seriously couldn't play the site if I didn't use Firefox. Whenever I go onto my second account using IE, I get tons of Active-X warnings, slow-loading pages, and some pages that won't even load because of the bottom ads.
I totally agree, Cranberry. Firefox is the only thing I use anymore. IE is so slow-loading that I can't be bothered with it. And, really, if I was stuck with only IE I probably would have quite playing Neo a while ago. Because it is next to impossible to restock or shop wiz hunt with IE. Firefox is my new best friend.
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