For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri May 13, 2005 10:09 pm
This is already out so I wasn't too sure where to put it. When you go to browse trades now there is a box to tick next to the search field that says "Random". So when you search now it isn't just the oldest however many trades that come up

It's, well, random =)
I like this featureas it means less people will be able to price fix and so on. As a buyer it certainly is an improvement.
Fri May 13, 2005 10:27 pm
I tried it out and found a good deal on a lab map piece...
Fri May 13, 2005 10:29 pm
......and yet when I searched for an item I have in trades using Random and it show the same order each time!
EDIT: It only works when there is a lot of something. Less than 10 of an item, and it is not randomized.
Sat May 14, 2005 12:44 am
stampsyne wrote:EDIT: It only works when there is a lot of something. Less than 10 of an item, and it is not randomized.
Wouldn't that be because it only displays 20 lots? So there's no need for randomising when there's less than that
This is a handy feature, hee =)
Sat May 14, 2005 4:15 am
Cheers for the news. I'll add that up.
Sat May 14, 2005 4:35 am
Ahhh that's SO cool, I'm tired of having to assume that the thing I offer on is the cheapest, when it probably isn't.
Also, from the seller POV, I'm glad I don't have to wait a week before my lot shows up to everyone.
At least now I -know- Faerie PBs are hovering around 1 mil :/ Dangit... *poor* lol
Sat May 14, 2005 4:55 am
I must applaud TNT. This is a great change! Just last week I was very annoyed because my trades never showed up on the TP, even though they were the cheapest.
With this random feature, more people will be able to find better bargains and your trades have a higher chance of being found by others. Good job TNT!
Mon May 16, 2005 8:50 pm
You now have the choice of viewing random, newest or oldest trades
This is all great, usually I can't sell stuff to save myself as the more well known traders get the buyers on the trading post even when they are selling for more than I am. But now I've managed to sell half of the petpets I'm selling at the moment and I'm in no doubt that it is down to this new system as I haven't gone near the trading board =) And of course it's fantastic for buying too.
Mon May 16, 2005 9:03 pm
It's an OK idea but why can't they just do it like... um... Say you were looking up Faerie Paint Brush and there's 40 on the post, why can't they just have a 'go to page 2' thing..
Mon May 16, 2005 9:50 pm
Taika wrote:It's an OK idea but why can't they just do it like... um... Say you were looking up Faerie Paint Brush and there's 40 on the post, why can't they just have a 'go to page 2' thing..
I agree!
Mon May 16, 2005 10:11 pm
Maybe because new trades go up all the time and trades get accepted/taken down all the time?

So going throuhg page by page could mean you're either seeing outdated trades or it gets all confused as trades are inserted and uninserted from the pages. Would probably be more program intensive to do it that way on such a large part of the site. That's probably why they only show the top however many shops on each page of the shop wiz too.
And of course for some items there could be tens of pages worth of them, so selecting random would be a quick way to judge the average price. I dunno but it seems to work fine the way it is and it's definitely much better than it was before
Tue May 17, 2005 3:46 pm
It been updated. Now theres a "Newest" "Random" or "Oldest" selection thingy, automatically set for random.
Tue May 17, 2005 4:10 pm
Phlameseeker wrote:It been updated. Now theres a "Newest" "Random" or "Oldest" selection thingy, automatically set for random.
Hehe, I posted that a few posts up
I can't get over how great this new system is, I managed to sell more stuff which is unheard of for me the terrible trader and I got a gallion on the cheap because of it *dances*
Tue May 17, 2005 4:27 pm
Trick wrote:Phlameseeker wrote:It been updated. Now theres a "Newest" "Random" or "Oldest" selection thingy, automatically set for random.
Hehe, I posted that a few posts up

I can't get over how great this new system is, I managed to sell more stuff which is unheard of for me the terrible trader and I got a gallion on the cheap because of it *dances*

Urk! That'll teach me for being desparate to post something new
Tue May 17, 2005 7:02 pm
Taika wrote:It's an OK idea but why can't they just do it like... um... Say you were looking up Faerie Paint Brush and there's 40 on the post, why can't they just have a 'go to page 2' thing..
I tripple agree! If I'm buying a paint brush I want to see every single one that is available. But the "Newest" "Oldest" feature is outstanding! I've wanted that for a long time. I always try and bid on the newest trades even if they have a higher price listed. I'd rather pay a bit more and have it Accepted or Reject within 24 hrs rather than tie up my np's on a trade that isn't really active.
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