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Lawyerbot! (please help)

Tue May 10, 2005 11:23 pm

I can't tell you what it's for, but does anyone remember any previous Lawyerbot disclaimers from the Random Contest or know of a way I can find them?

Thanks 8)

Wed May 11, 2005 2:37 am

All I've got is from the Neocam RC...not much, but here you go:

Lawyerbot (who doesn't have anything to do with the Random Contest except make up rules to lord over everyone because he's mean) says:
- All art must be your own work. DUH!
- Read the submission policy below... again.

Wed May 11, 2005 10:57 am ... =lawyerbot

Ask him! Hehe.

Wed May 11, 2005 11:23 am

Sorry Nani, can't help you there. I don't even know what you're talking about o_O

Wed May 11, 2005 11:27 am

Shoyru_Lover wrote:Sorry Nani, can't help you there. I don't even know what you're talking about o_O

Then why did you even bother posting? Spammer.

*realises its the owner of the forum he's talking too* Oh, err, great thought and content in your posts, SL! :) :D :hug:

Seriously, lawyerbot messages are the ones which typically accompany random contests on Neopets. I remember some classic ones like "do not throw egg around" or something like that. :P

Wed May 11, 2005 10:46 pm

HollyPop wrote: ... =lawyerbot

Ask him! Hehe.

Hey, you can't post that... you can only post links to :roll:

Wed May 11, 2005 10:49 pm

Mr. Freeze...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Also for the record, the robot Tuskaninny may be the world's uglisest pet. I love it so much.

Wed May 11, 2005 11:33 pm

HollyPop wrote: ... =lawyerbot

Ask him! Hehe.

I already did. :P Actually, I sent him a neofriend request a week or so ago. I figure it's best if I get on the good side of Neopets' lawyers, just in case ;)

Edit--post 888. 8)
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