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Scam email alert

Mon May 09, 2005 10:57 pm

Yes, you've guessed it from the title. I've recieved a scam email. It's actually pretty well written, and a new person to neopets might fall for it. I just wanted to point it out to all the nice people here.

If this is in the wrong place, it's been mentioned before, or if it's inappropriate, mods, feel free to delete this or move it. But please put which one it was at the bottom. I like to know what I did, so I don't do it again. :P

I've put the email into a text document, as it's very (very) long. If you don't like clicking links, I'll put it into a PM for you.

By the way...does Neopets have a reporting feature for this kind of thing?

Mon May 09, 2005 11:05 pm

By any chance was it sent to the msn address you have listed on your PPT lookup? Because that has happened to many PPTers in the past. I suggest that you either take that msn address off of your lookup (and give it to people that you know and trust via a PM) or you create an msn address that is only used for instant messaging and is not the same email address that you use for Neopets. Unfortunately, there are lurkers on PPT and they can access our user lookups, even if they are not PPT members.

EDIT: I just read the letter. This is the same one that was sent to another PPTer just a few weeks back, who, unfortunately fell for it. One of my guildmates did, as well. The chance to be a monitor and the handout attached to the email can catch a person off guard.
Last edited by Morningstar on Mon May 09, 2005 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 09, 2005 11:08 pm

Hmm...could be. Doesn't really matter anyways. It arrived in my junk mail box. I was cleaning it out when it caught my eye.

Tue May 10, 2005 1:37 am


Oh, God. Thanks for providing me with laughter.

TNT would never hire a monitor if they were not sure of their integrity.

Nor would Adam of all people be sending them out. xDDD

Tue May 10, 2005 7:24 pm

Haha.. it's actually pathetic how much effort and thought went into that email. What a waste of time. Anyone with half a brain cell would hear alarm bells at the bit at the end asking you to send your password to a gmail account.

I hope that email address has received a lot of mail from angry Neopians who were too clever to fall for it.

Tue May 10, 2005 7:35 pm

I got the same thing, and posted it in the previous thread.

Like I'd fall for that, it got sent to the e-mail I use for PPT, not the one I use for Neopets.

Tue May 10, 2005 7:44 pm

Jm, I didn't get that e-mail. Weird.

Tue May 10, 2005 7:46 pm

That's such a waste of time. It looks like someone put a lot of effort into that. And luckily, my account isn't really worth stealing anyway

Tue May 10, 2005 7:54 pm

o_0 wrote:TNT would never hire a monitor if they were not sure of their integrity.

More like, "Doug would never hire a monitor with an IQ greater than that of an eggplant." :P
Well, that's not quite fair, there are some good monitors. The problem is, since the pay is so horrid, the only people who would take the job are those with no education who can't get another job. Thus, many of them end up being, to put it blatantly, pretty stupid.

As I said of this particular scam email when it was posted before, half of it makes me crack up and the other half makes me wish they really did have volunteer mods (yes, I know they can't due to CA law, but there must be a way they can get around that)!

Wed May 11, 2005 11:47 am

Am I the only one amused by the poor grammar at times in this "handbook"? :P

Wed May 11, 2005 12:09 pm

Yeah, sure, TNT always picks random Neopians that may be 7 years old and may be 70 years old to be a monitor without even knowing who they are and what's their name or ANYTHING about them except their username!

Neopian(s) support: You should support ordinary Neopian(s) as much as you can
greet new Neopian(s), show them round the site, answer their questions and try
to mediate in any conflicts or arguments.

Sure, "Monitor", come on, go and introduce 5 million new users to Neopets and don't forget to answer all of their questions and show them around the hundreds or thousands of pages Neopets has! And don't forget to have fun! :)

Thu May 12, 2005 7:05 am

The same thing's been used for Habbo Hotel, Runescape and a number of other sites with minor variations.

And some of the terms remind me of Furcadia, so I'm guessing it's been used there too.

Thu May 12, 2005 7:10 am

Somebody just got a handbook from somewhere else and used some program to change words to suit Neopets, like monitor, neopians, etc.

Thu May 12, 2005 3:43 pm


more info there.

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