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5/9/05 News

Mon May 09, 2005 6:44 pm

9th May

*Just in case you missed it the first time, here is a little reminder that you can see a sneak preview of The Darkest Faerie PS2 Game and watch in-game videos and an Interview with one of the lead game designers at Gamespot.

*The moment you have all been waiting for is here... Hopefully you have thought long and hard about which side you want to support in the upcoming war. Now you need to Decide. Remember, choose carefully as you can only support one side.

*Myncies can now be painted Starry at the Rainbow Pool.

*Today is the absolute last day you can cast your vote for which species should be made next. If you have not had a chance to Vote yet, please do so now!

*The very first Pet Spotlight trophy of the week has been given to YippyOwal the Kacheek.

*There are all sorts of Snuffly themed things for you to collect.

*If you want to know what people think of our real-life merchandise, there is a new page of Testimonials for you to read.

*Who would have thought a Faerie Paint Brush could do this to a Lenny?

*Arr! Thar be not one, but four new Desktop Backgrounds based on scenes from our Curse of Maraqua story.

*A new Story Telling Competition has begun, this time it begins with the arrival of a Hissi (or so it seems).

The Yurble nodded as he peered through the dense foliage, toward the area where the bog's smell was coming from. "I think I see movemen-AHHHH!" the Yurble screamed, falling backwards into the Ixi, pinning the poor creature to the ground.

*The Soup Faerie is being showered with gifts in today's Caption Contest. Can you think of something witty to say for it?

*Last, but not least, there are some new pieces of fan art for you to enjoy in the Art Gallery.


That lenny looks GREAT! Makes me want to actually get one! ^_^

Ok, I chose a side in the Maraquan war, but now what?! Does anyone know where or what to fight?

Mon May 09, 2005 6:44 pm

I expect the fighting hasn't started yet.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:45 pm

I was just about to post a new topic, but right before submitting I checked :P

The lenny is awesome... Sort of has the same style as the new faerie pteri.

And we can finally chose sides :D

EDIT - And if I may say, I really like the way they did the war this time... I mean the whole supporters and warriors - it gives everyone a chance...

But the plot mainly showed the point of view of the good side ( maraquan), so i doubt many will go with the pirtates.
Last edited by Shifty on Mon May 09, 2005 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:48 pm

Oh, and, I chose to fight for the Pirates.

But of course, chose the wrong battling pet. :roll:

Mon May 09, 2005 6:49 pm


I need that Lenny.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:49 pm

You are a Maraquan Warrior!
You have contributed 0 points.

Whee, I entered Rev!

Mon May 09, 2005 6:51 pm

Oooh, this new side choosing system intrigues me. I'm very interested to see how well it works out.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:51 pm

I don't understand what exactly the "supporters" do. I'm a good battler with nice weapons, but I'm hardly elite.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:53 pm

Adam loves Hilary Duff wrote:You are a Maraquan Warrior!
You have contributed 0 points.

Whee, I entered Rev!

I entered my Aisha Danelle. She's my strongest.

OK...that explains why I haven't got anyone to fight yet.

Mon May 09, 2005 6:53 pm

atomicblonde wrote:I don't understand what exactly the "supporters" do. I'm a good battler with nice weapons, but I'm hardly elite.

The way I see it is that supporters is meant for newbies, and those who don't have strong pets. I guess instead the can *get points* from playing games ( ir a certain war related game I know is comming out).

Mon May 09, 2005 6:54 pm

Ahhhhhhhhh, I don't know if to choose supporter or warior =X

Mon May 09, 2005 6:55 pm

Interesting. I think I'll wait a little bit to make my choice. (But those maraquan trophies are prettiful...)

Mon May 09, 2005 6:56 pm

If you want to battle AT ALL, choose warrior. Supporters can't battle. I agree with Shifty -- supporters are meant to be new people, people with no weapons/bad stats, or people who just aren't interested in the battledome.

Mon May 09, 2005 7:04 pm

I went with Maraquan Warrior with Mystical - my Darigan Lupe :D *runs across to recommendations board*

Mon May 09, 2005 7:06 pm

Pirates can't get into maraqua. =D
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